The alternative is much worse...Fuck credit score companies, making money off my personal info which they charge to look up.
This. Fucking retarded.Fuck credit score companies, making money off my personal info which they charge to look up.
Who cares if they are making money off it? They are providing a service that allows you, if you have good credit, to take advantage of low(and often times 0%) interest rate loans. Soriak brings up a good point about not being able to assess risk without some sort of auditing service like the credit bureaus, as well. I'd rather get to take advantage of having good credit than all be in the same pool of borrowers. Now, if you have shitty credit, I could imagine not liking the bureaus very much. Nobody likes a tattle-tale.Fuck credit score companies, making money off my personal info which they charge to look up.
No shitty credit here, mines 720 or so atm. Issue I have is that they use your own personal information for monetary gain and charge you access to it(credit report isnt a credit score). What the .gov should of done is also required them to give you your score when you got your free report.Who cares if they are making money off it? They are providing a service that allows you, if you have good credit, to take advantage of low(and often times 0%) interest rate loans. Soriak brings up a good point about not being able to assess risk without some sort of auditing service like the credit bureaus, as well. I'd rather get to take advantage of having good credit than all be in the same pool of borrowers. Now, if you have shitty credit, I could imagine not liking the bureaus very much. Nobody likes a tattle-tale.