Yep same here. They were A+ to my young eyes.Them titties on the raft were the thing I remember most.
Also the 80s Blob is pretty good.
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Yep same here. They were A+ to my young eyes.Them titties on the raft were the thing I remember most.
I watched the old black and white The Blob one day as a very young child. Maybe like 5 or 6. I was convinced the Blob was under my bed for weeks. It was on Sunday afternoon, I had no idea it would be scary!i always hear people talk about the Raft story in that movie. i admit the part where he eats the chick out only to find out the blob had consumed half her body already kinda fucks with me. the part where the blob sucks down the person through that tiny hole was pretty neat. i think i still preferred the gore in the remake of The Blob that came out a year later. that movie fucks with you.
the original Blob scared the fuck out of me, but i didnt realize it til later. there is the famous scene of the guy at the barber shop getting his hair cut with his head leaning on the sink. Blob goes up the drain and hops right on his face. 2 weeks after i saw the movie my mom took me to get my hair cut. i was sweating bullets.I watched the old black and white The Blob one day as a very young child. Maybe like 5 or 6. I was convinced the Blob was under my bed for weeks. It was on Sunday afternoon, I had no idea it would be scary!
that didnt bother me nearly as much as the massive massive amounts of cockroaches in that last segment. if i see one today i instantly think of that scene where the dude opens his cereal box and roaches pour out or when he looks in his bowl of soggy cereal and realizes those werent raisins he's been eating. ugh, man im getting goosebumps right now. fuck me.The Crate was one of the few things that terrified the fuck out of me as a kid, watching it these days it seems pretty tame. I still regard old crates shoved in a back corner with suspicion sometimes.
Ed Harris was playing a young person? I can't imagine him ever looking a day under 35.The Stephen King dock short story was good back then too. You got me nostalgic so I fired up the movie last night and who is it but Ed Harris dancing around with 80's hair slutty/hot chick!
This is so low budget and campy. It is so true to the old style creepshow and tales from the crypt that if you told me they just found these as unused episodes in a warehouse somewhere I would believe it.
What else is good on Shudder since I have it for the next 30 days?
This is so low budget and campy. It is so true to the old style creepshow and tales from the crypt that if you told me they just found these as unused episodes in a warehouse somewhere I would believe it.
What else is good on Shudder since I have it for the next 30 days?
the Vault of Horror was always more hardcore than tales from the crypt. same guy who ran EC Comics also did Mad Magazine. i loved all of them. they reprinted them in the 90s.These were based on the EC horror comics from the 1940's-1960's. Those were fricken disturbing...
the Vault of Horror was always more hardcore than tales from the crypt. same guy who ran EC Comics also did Mad Magazine. i loved all of them. they reprinted them in the 90s.
It really depends on what you are into but some suggestions. I have seen all of these and like then to one degree or another. Some are amazing some are decent. Bliss, Excorcist, Housewife, Howl, Satanic Panic, Ginger Snaps, Dog Soldiers, The Fog, Escape from New York, From the Dark, Head Hunter, Taking of Deborah Logan, The Furies, Spring, Bad Moon, Mandy, Incident in a Ghostland, Monster Party, Puppet Master Littlest Reich, The Void.
Depending on how campy you enjoy Tammy and The T-Rex is surprisingly fun.
Some highly rated best horror of the year type stuff I have not seen and cannot comment on Hagazussa, Ever After, One Cut of the Dead, Tigers are not Afraid.