Creepy pics / experiences thread


Vyemm Raider
I'm not a big believer in supernatural things but I've dealt with a few things recently that have me wondering and the night terror was the most helpless and frightening thing that has ever happened to me. .

First incident. 4 Years ago my mom came to visit and help out my roommate and I with our newly formed food truck business. Our food truck business, which we still have, sets up on a highly trafficked bar/club area here in our college town. My roommate, workers and I take off with all of our stuff at about 9:15pm and we sell until about 2:30am and we get home at around 3:15am, we feed the night crowds. Right around the 3:15am time as my roommate and I are pulling in to the driveway, we get out and we are unloading and walking towards the door; my mom opens the door and says "where is the woman?" I look at my mom and asked her who or what she is talking about. She mentions that she was asleep and that she woke up to the crying of a woman next to her window. My mom was staying in the original bedroom of the house. The house is about 70 years old and has since been well renovated and had some nice additions. The window of the original bedroom faces the back of the house. My mom said that she heard the crying from right next to her window and lower, and then she heard it "stand up" and walk around the house, past the room door that leads to the back of the yard and continue to the backyard gate. We looked around the side of the house on a dirt corridor that leads to the backyard door gate. She was confident that it was a woman and that she had to be there. We then went to the backyard and none of us saw anything. I asked my mom if she might have been asleep or it could of been a cat and until this day she claims that it was someone or something that was crying and then moved. She even mentions that she heard the voice raise when it went from below the window and seemed to stand up. For the longest time I thought my mom was either dreaming or it was a cat, thinking as logically as I can. My mother is very detail oriented, smart and is not known to have many lapses of judgement or any history of weird shit constantly happening to her.

Second incident. Fast forward to about a week ago. My roommate/business partner is having a baby with girlfriend, they bought a house, this is our last month in the same house as I mentioned before. We have had our business for 5 years and have lived at this place for going on 6 years (we moved in together to start this business). He moved out as of the first week of the month (June). As a baby shower/wedding/'I love you bro' gift I gave him all of the stuff that we bought together over the years (sofa, dining set, TV, PS3, etc) to the point that the only things that are left in the house is all of the crap in my room, my office stuff, some kitchen stuff, my bathroom stuff and a TV with a foldout chair and a stand in the living room and a mattress in his old room for my younger cousin. The whole house is empty aside from that, and my dog. The house has hardwood floors and the house is lifted off the ground about 1 foot. You can hear footsteps on the floors. My cousin (18yo), is currently residing at the Job Corps, he's coming from a bad home and I took him on for a while while he got situated to attend the Job Corps. Monday-Friday he stays there and Friday night - Sunday night he has been staying with us, helping with the businesses, making some cash, and he gets away from his Job Corps, gets wifi, good food and gets away from his routine and gets to hangout with us (me now usually). Last Friday(6/13), he came home, stayed the night and I left in the morning to take care of some work. I got home around 7pm and got him to get ready quickly while I freshened up to meet up a girl I'm dating and her younger sister and cousin to go watch 22 Jump Street(it was alright). When we leave the theater and say bye to the girls, I take him to eat at In-N-Out and he seemed kind of quiet. He then asks me; "Cousin, is the house haunted?" My heart drops and I ask why he asks. He then tells me that when he woke up around 2pm, he showered, made himself some food and was watching tv in the living room and doing laundry. Around 3pm as he's watching tv he hears footsteps on the other side of the house (bedrooms and bathrooms) coming from my roommates old room and he could hear them getting closer and stopping at the entrance of my room. His initial reaction, as he says, is that he was sure that someone was in the house, he's thinking either me or my roommate at this point. He checks, nothing, checks the room and calls our names, nothing. I know he is not bullshitting either, he was very somber and the fact that he was up at around 8am on Sunday lets me know he was really freaked out. He always gets up around 12-2pm and he mentioned he couldn't sleep because of what he heard.

Night terror. So now, Sunday night I dropped him off at the Job Corps. We joked around about ghost rape. All the while I'm now turning on the lights around the house a bit more. I'm not too sure what to make of it all. I keep my dog close by as if she is going to fight it off or alert me of some looming ghostrape or crazy shit that might go down (The Grudge...). This morning (6/20 in the early am) I experienced what I describe as a night terror. Mind you I have never had a night terror before, although I've had a nightmare or two, and the only reason I know that it's what it was is because of what I've read up on before. In my dream I was somewhere in my house (kitchen I'm assuming) and next thing you know, right in front of me an open pantry door closes violently. In my dream it seemed to be in real time and my thought was "fuck, it's true" and right as I make this realization as I am standing in front of the pantry door that closed I also realize that I am dreaming. I try to wake up through this realization of both "oh fuck it's true" and "oh shit I'm dreaming" and I feel the most intense fear I have ever felt in my life. I was paralyzed, and I was still dreaming and I could feel my whole body and the exact position that I was lying in, almost as if I was seeing myself from the ceiling of my room. I could not move at all and I could absolutely not open my eyes as much as I tried. The combination of fear and paralysis deepened the fear and for the first time in my life I TRIED to say "god pl..". My intention was to say "god please help me" and even my thoughts were frozen. As it continued and I realized that I was dreaming I tried to calm down. The feeling of immobility of not being able to move my body, being fully aware of even the relation of my body to my bed as I am laying down and the almost out of body experience of having a conceptual image of how my body was laid is absolutely amazing. It couldn't move, open my eyes, twitch, or even utter the words in my head "god please help me." I knew what I wanted to say. I wanted to shout it. But I could not think the words, only their concept.

Now I'm here at work, kind of freaked out still from it all and all I can think about is getting the hell out of the house this weekend instead of waiting it out until the end of the month. Any feedback or have any of you had freaky shit happen to you before?

pics; related.



Shit Lord Supreme
This Thread is now about my fridge and your fridge, because of Fedor's post in the SS thread:




I'll probably buy some food tonight but it won't be much food, I tend to buy a small meal from the small food store next door, and don't keep much food in my Fridge.


Buzzfeed Editor
Night terror. So now, Sunday night I dropped him off at the Job Corps. We joked around about ghost rape. All the while I'm now turning on the lights around the house a bit more. I'm not too sure what to make of it all. I keep my dog close by as if she is going to fight it off or alert me of some looming ghostrape or crazy shit that might go down (The Grudge...). This morning (6/20 in the early am) I experienced what I describe as a night terror. Mind you I have never had a night terror before, although I've had a nightmare or two, and the only reason I know that it's what it was is because of what I've read up on before. In my dream I was somewhere in my house (kitchen I'm assuming) and next thing you know, right in front of me an open pantry door closes violently. In my dream it seemed to be in real time and my thought was "fuck, it's true" and right as I make this realization as I am standing in front of the pantry door that closed I also realize that I am dreaming. I try to wake up through this realization of both "oh fuck it's true" and "oh shit I'm dreaming" and I feel the most intense fear I have ever felt in my life. I was paralyzed, and I was still dreaming and I could feel my whole body and the exact position that I was lying in, almost as if I was seeing myself from the ceiling of my room. I could not move at all and I could absolutely not open my eyes as much as I tried. The combination of fear and paralysis deepened the fear and for the first time in my life I TRIED to say "god pl..". My intention was to say "god please help me" and even my thoughts were frozen. As it continued and I realized that I was dreaming I tried to calm down. The feeling of immobility of not being able to move my body, being fully aware of even the relation of my body to my bed as I am laying down and the almost out of body experience of having a conceptual image of how my body was laid is absolutely amazing. It couldn't move, open my eyes, twitch, or even utter the words in my head "god please help me." I knew what I wanted to say. I wanted to shout it. But I could not think the words, only their concept.
Not sure if this is a night terror; they are typically just dreams that scare you so much you can't be calmed down (Which might be in your case). However, what you experienced sounds like Sleep Paralysis. I've experienced them since I was little, supposedly I fall into the different phases of sleep too quickly, and I will actually experience the normal paralysis (Which keeps you from hurting yourself while you sleep)--while I'm still awake and somewhat able to perceive the world around me. It does feel like I'm half in and out of a dream though, as what I hear and feel are kind of like through a haze; but I can FEEL my whole body, I just can't move it. The only way I can wake myself up is that I'm able to twitch my head very slightly, and if I do it enough, I can end the paralysis. It is a pretty horrifying feeling; it does feel like parts of your brain are shut down. Even if you understand what's happening, it's like you can't rationalize it--as you said, the concepts of the words are there, but you can't form them. You understand what's going on, but you can't actually move that vague understanding into a rational thought--it's extremely frustrating and disconcerting.

Supposedly, people can experience these when they wake up too quickly from a dream, too. I think that might be what you experienced. It is a pretty scary experience, as I said, it happens to me about 5-10 times a year or so. I've gotten pretty good at not freaking out and focusing on waking up, but it's difficult to do because of certain things (For example, for me, I couldn't control my breathing--so I thought I was suffocating...But the reality is, my autonomic breathing was doing the work for me.) and the hardest part, by far though, is as you said--you're aware of things, you can THINK, but you can't form those thoughts into what we would describe as "rational" communication. It's just there...Sometimes I think that's what some brain diseases must be like, and it's fucking awful.


Vyemm Raider
You guys suck, I'm living a real life grudge nightmare while you you are all posting hobo sex pictures. At least I got it out of me and now I'm gonna die horribly in the hands(?) of some horrible unworldly spirit.


Sounds like you live in a creepy old house that two other people freaked themselves out inside. Now you're freaked out, and had a bad dream about it since its what you're currently obsessing about. Unfortunately...or I guess fortunately there are no such things as ghosts and your house isn't haunted. Ghosts are fun to think about, and to believe they exist, much like religion/god etc. but at the end of the day they are about as real as the easter bunny, and santa clause. Sorry for the spoilers :-/

I was on a nature trail years ago and almost walked into an odd looking deer hunched over behind some brush. It seemed like it was struggling to remain on all fours, wavering then tensing up. I stood still and waited, wondering what was going on. Maybe it's trying to pop a baby out? Best not to scare it anymore than I already have.

After some more heaving and swaying it looks right at me and steps back some. Suddenly it takes off into the trees but starts collapsing while running. It got around 10 yards before the front legs gave out and it slams nose first into the dirt. Shocked, I wait and it doesn't move. At first I thought about investigating but then it hit me.. what if there's a disease? Oh fuck, what if I've already been too close? On the way back my pulse was racing, considering all manner of horrific possibilities. What if there was some kind of quarantine in this area?

> /

The whole way out was empty, even the park gates were unmanned but that's happened before so I dismissed it. The gas station was closed and there were no other drivers. All of the radio stations were playing music without breaks, no commercials or DJ commentary, and I slowly realized these broadcasts could be on auto-play. "They left" I said out loud to myself and proceeded to freak out.

Determined to find someone I drove faster and faster. Instead of my normal route home I headed for the local farmers market; someone would have to be there with all the food and livestock. As soon as I turn into the lot I see vehicles everywhere and relief washes over me. Weak from stress leaving I just brake right there in the road to compose myself. My head back and eyes closed I laugh some in between breaths.

While looking for a parking spot hunger kicks in and by the time I'm out of the car my only thought is whether the grill is open here today. Steak and eggs, HELL YEAH! Hurrying towards the entrance, hunger rules my mind and I take no note of the silence or lack of motion inside. The lights were on and all the requisite "market" smells were present but as the doors swung open all hell broke loose. I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo home to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabby yo holmes smell ya later Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
So we decided to meet at the Roadway Inn at Ontario Mills Mall. I had never been there before.

Amy said it was a decent place, ya know, clean. I think it cost less than $75.00 to rent the room because I offered to pay to make it easier. After all, she was putting out so it is the least I could do.

So after we traded a few more pics, it seemed cool because we were both into each other. We exchanged digits and even talked on the phone for a few to make sure we were both legit. She totally sounded like some 21 year old college girl and she giggled a lot and she was very believable.

Anyway, I borrowed my dad's Chevy Caprice and plugged in the directions to the motel into my phone's GPS. And so before I knew it, I was there. I did as we had agreed to on the phone. I checked into the joint, tidied up the place up a bit and took a shower. Then I got dressed and waited for her. She was coming by at 10 and she asked that I keep the lights a little low because she didn't want to draw attention to the room. I didn't think much of it at the time. And so right at 10 she showed up like clockwork.
We sat down on the bed, started talking a bit and before I knew it we were making out. It was exciting because I've never done anything like that, you know?
She looked really hot from everything I saw and exactly like the pictures she showed me on Tinder. She was a nice looking broad. I an't gonna lie. And nothing about her was setting off any alarm bells. I was pretty worked up after we start making out and wanted to go a bit further. I tried to reach for her knockers but she kept pushing my hand away. I figured she thought I was moving too fast so I stopped. But then she unzipped me and well you know, started taking care of business. And so here I am sitting on the bed and we got to the point where she started to blow me. I was getting into it when all of the sudden I noticed some gray, shiny duct-tape hanging out of the side of her jeans. She had on them low waist designer jeans on and the tape was just sticking out a little bit. I was getting into it, ya know?. But after a while that duct tape was making me curious and so I pulled on it and laughed. I was trying to be romantic and some fun. Well she didn't like that at all and stopped doing her thing. She was kind of surprised. And then real quick like she shoved the tape back in her jeans like she was trying to hide it. That kind of freaked me out a little bit and so I got up and asked her what was wrong. That's when she told me.

She said that she was "pre-op" or some BS. I didn't know what she was talking about at first because I was so confused. She spent a few minutes trying to explain it all to me but I think I was mentally checked out. It took me a few minutes for it to all sink in. I mean he wanted to keep doing it! I was so pissed off that I started to go after him. I think I would probably have seriously messed him up. I never got the chance because he screamed like a banshee and tore off out of the room. He left behind a piece of that fricking tape too. I still have it as a way of remembering what happened.


Avatar of War Slayer
Sounds like you're jealous your boyfriend found a woman and you're desperate for attention. Call him up and tell him how you feel. You will sleep fine and the ghosts will stay away when you're back in his arms.


Shit Lord Supreme
Fridge Update.


Note: the Oatmeal and bread don't really belong, but are relevant I think to the original post.