Srathor's story sounds pretty cool in theory, as in him and some buds griefing an entire server over a single adventurous individual who capitalized on a situation despite the very thing he claimed is needed to be successful (having friends). Brutal full loot, Darktide style pvp is one of the most invigorating things in video gaming. I enjoyed it in AC and I wish I could experience it again someday, I dont know if it will be this game, but when you start talking about HAVING to have a group of friends to be successful, it sounds like a recipe for disaster.
It also depends on what your definition of successful is. If success means gaining revenge of lost in game items by arbitrarily killing and looting innocent bystanders because you "can", then it sounds like you got it. But the guy that killed you and took your ore is the real success story, and its that aspect that would invite me to play this game, not your revenge tour.