Just thought I’d put some very basic information here for any new players showing up that have no idea what’s going on in the game they’ve just bought or received beta access to.
Before you do anything make sure that when you launch the game and get to the character select window you click the “skills” button at the top left of the screen. These are your passive skills that will accumulate over time weather you are logged into the game or not. You can choose between crafting, exploration, and combat, make sure to get those started first before you move on to anything else.
it’s also useful information to know the three different worlds you will have available to you throughout your time playing the game.
The Different World Types as of now:
-Gods Reach(PvE only for brand new vessels)
-Infected(Faction based PvP, no loot, starting level 15)
-Campaign(GvG, inventory loot, starting level 20)
GODS REACH will be your starting area to get some levels and do the new player experience quests which should get you to around level 17-18. Once you’ve completed the quests you will need to kill mobs until max level or do a mixture of killing mobs and sacrificing loot to gain Xp.
INFECTED is your beginner level PvP zone. There is no loot on death in this game world but all of the other features of being on campaign if you exclude the loot pool and particularly sought after mobs that campaign brings with it. In this game mode you can run pigs, capture forts/keeps, and most importantly PvP with other players. (I particularly like this mode for new players because it allows everyone to have the chance to switch around and play with other factions and guilds in a less hostile environment than the campaign worlds)
The CAMPAIGN worlds are the end game PvP which come up for a limited time with randomized maps. In these worlds it’s Guild vs Guild. Your guild becomes its own faction and all other guilds become your enemy(alliances are to come and already exist now between many guilds when it suits them) in the campaign world you can loot other players of anything they may have had in their inventory(not including equipped gear) it has all of the features of the infected game world with more layers on top. In these campaign worlds you can find a higher loot tier than the other worlds.
Campaign Inventories and Player Vaults:
When you enter a campaign world you will be given a certain amount of imports and exports you can bring into the world and out. Generally imports are less important than exports for the obvious reason that if you run out of exports your gear is trapped in the campaign world forever. Just try to be mindful of how many you use and remember that any gear that you have equipped or in your inventory before importing will be imported and cost tokens.(the game will warn you of this)
To see your vaults and be able to import or export items go to the character screen of the main menu and select your vault at the top left. From there you will see any campaign vaults you might have from a campaign you’re involved in as well as your out of campaign vault. It’s all pretty self explanatory from here.
-You can NOT respec your talent points so try to be careful with them. It’s generally a good idea when doing your talents to get all 3 minor disciplines and both major disciplines.
-Attribute points are generally dumped into your main attribute to stack it for your basic vessels as well as green vessels. Your core attribute will be the one on the top of the list for your character(if STR is your main attribute you stack all points in STR. Same for INT, DEX, etc.) The exception to this rule is for most healers who will be stacking SPR regardless of your main attribute.
-joining a guild is extremely important. There is no way to explain to you how important it is until you play the game and realize that all of the best content opens up to you once you join a guild.
-when in a friendly situation with an enemy player or when seeking mercy it’s customary to jump. It’s up to the other player if they want to be friendly but any of the core player base of this game knows that if you see a jumping player that means they are asking for mercy. This needs to be said because sometimes you will find yourself in scrimmage situations and if you kill the people jumping you’re a dick.
-Player characters or “vessels” are an item too. They can be crafted by necromancers who have the body parts and the other ingredients necessary. Vessels currently do not have durability like other crafted things and I don’t believe there is ever a plan to add a durability to them.
-ultimates are incredibly important to the outcome of a fight so make sure to build your ultimate at the start of roaming and try to maintain it while you’re out and about. Often times a PvP encounter springs up out of nowhere and if you’re caught without your ult it can be bad for you. (This goes for pip classes as well, make sure you have full pips whenever possible)
-don’t forget things like buffs, bandages, and food. Before leaving the temple make sure to fill your food bar at the tree. If you have bandages bring one or two with you and if you have any buffs in the form of food or shrines you might pass on the way it’s not a bad idea to get those buffs rolling(try to save your food buffs until you know you’re about to fight people since they only last 20 minutes.) god buffs generally last 2 hours and persist through death.
I wish I could think of more things but this was all stuff I wish I knew when I started playing so I hope it helps.