Repackaging a single-player game? LOL, you clearly have never played the game and this is your easy-to-package equivalent of, "YOU'RE A RACIST!", designed to shutdown discussion. This reads like somebody who has no fucking clue what he was talking about (probably because you saw a few YouTube videos or decided to parrot what others think the game is), got called out on it, and now have some arbitrary "line" you want me to meet in order to have a discussion.
This game isn't going to fuck you, Kir. You can think whatever you want. BDO is such dogshit that I couldn't care less--but I care just enough about this dying genre to talk on your other points.
Ok, Raph Koster, please list me all the "innovative" things EQ did. Because they literally just brought MUDs into a 3D world. Brad himself has even said this. Based on the bar you've set, that isn't "innovation", because "LOL after Wolfenstein3D became a smash hit, when I'd see "3D like!" games jam their 3D system in other formats, I didn't think "wowzer, this is so innovative!".
More proof you have no fucking idea what you're talking about in relation to BDO and are just parroting lines if you're trying to make a "souls-like" correlation. The game doesn't play like a souls-game and has never claimed to be "souls-like". BDO has almost every fundamental aspect of EQ that you guys claim made it great (except for traditional raiding). And even improves upon some of the aspects you claim sucked. Yet very few people here play it. Why? Because you're all stuck in your fucking wayback machines thinking you want something you actually don't
You fossils are the equivalent to some guy standing around in 1908 as he saw the first Model T roll out of the factory saying, "It might be faster than a buggy, but it has 4 wheels too! How is that innovating!?!". Just face the facts that you guys are aging luddites, screaming "BACK IN MY DAY!!!!" as the world of MMOs passes you the fuck by. Because you're too busy bitching about "the way it was", chasing the dragon, or staring back into the past with rose-colored glasses. You guys aren't seeing innovation because you don't want to see innovation - you'll "No True Scotsman!" it at every turn.
Yeah, EQ wasn't that innovative. It made the genre more accessible so people could play and make friends online back in a time period where there were hardly any accessible games that could do that (Muds, and Battle Net and a few others). I'd say WoW was more innovative than EQ with its phasing system, which was actually a unique, new idea that was literally meant to innovate THIS genre and not something plucked out of a single player game and jammed in so you could "
do the thing but in front of your friends" (Which is now done far better in battle royal or smaller scale online games). But for a while, accessibility was enough because
the main feature of these games--the social interactions with other people--was enough to sell them as long as more and more people could easily slide into them. (Which is why WoW dominated--more more accessibility. But they've run that well absolutely dry--while competition in terms of online games has exploded.)
Also, I never said the game played like a souls idiot. I used the explosion of "souls like" games as an example. You really need to stop and read.
But keep believing this genre is innovating,
while it slowly dies--and blaming its death on "luddites" who just can't understand how awesome-sauce these games really are (lol, sounds like a great product...Its not us that's wrong, its our audience!)--the reality is Facebook became a better MMO than modern MMOs, because social media designers understood what people mainly got out of MMOs. Keep trying to make "make a better game" in these worlds and they will keep failing. Because no matter how great the game is--its still going to be inferior to a single player game, always.
ALWAYS. Nearly every "innovation" you can steal was done better 20 years ago in the single player genre. And anyone who isn't an easily dazzled, drooling retard will go "meh" after realizing they've used this "innovative" system before...a decade ago, in a far better game, and wonder what the real hook to this "game" is.
Until designers realize the emphasis should be on the world, and the people,
not the game--they will continue to fail. The next big MMO will either be due to a leap in AI design allowing for players to leave truly unique imprints even within an MMO world and/or what that Vaporware Star Citizen is trying with facial emotes through VR (Something tailored for this specific genre, to emphasize its strength) or some other innovation that is designed to cater to the massive aspect of being online--and not trying to catch up to where single player games were 20 years ago. Or it will be because someone actually has the balls to create a world again..(But I'd actually bet on some leap in technology and not great design being the thing that rekindles this genre)
Keep flexing that people bored to death with this genre though just can't handle your APMs