
Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
text update today

01/21/15 - Team Update - News & Announcements - Crowfall

tl;dr version

Our entire core team has been in place for ~6 months working on Crowfall, though some of us were working on it earlier than that. We currently have 17 full time people in the office plus several offsite resources.


We alsolicensed some technologyto give ourselves a jump start on the project -- we'll talk more about those decisions, later


Starting tomorrow, we'll be ramping up the details that we are giving with each drop. Stay tuned -- it's going to get much more interesting from this point, forward.
Take that, Pantheon. So what tech did they license? Unity? Unreal?


Registered Hutt
Well I know my brother is gonna be very interested in Shadowbane 2. I still want a fantasy variant of EVE in regards to economy, travel, and territory control, but I doubt they'll take many cues from EVE.


Trakanon Raider
Comment section amused me more than it should.

nerovipus32 writes:
They always say the right things pre-release don't they

Rusque writes:
Sometimes, they say the right things before a game even exists! *cough* EQN *cough*


Ultima Online and SWG both had good crafting systems and economies so if that's all he contributes then it should be good.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
A lot of shit today,01/22/15 - The Crowfall Universe, Economy/crafting - News & Announcements - Crowfall

CF had articles and interviews on and massively, etc

Raph Koster is collaborating on Crowfall [Updated with video] | Massively

Crowfall | Building Upon Star Wars Galaxies' Crafting | MMORPG

Crowfall - Raph Koster Introduction - YouTube

Dead people having to regear. A couple suggestions of full loot death like UO in a few places. DUNMAR! DUNMAR!!



Servers have their own geography


Buzzfeed Editor
Yes, even half will make it a great game. Having large randomized land masses (Even if they are somewhat generic) with randomized resources, could allow them to add land as players cement control, always shaking up who owns the best what. (New world spawned with tons of Iron--Iron is super rare in X and Y kingdoms on other worlds--big fight breaks out for control from vassals. Or they do a kind of "Bounty system" where the king of one land offers X support in return for Knights in Y new land to pledge fealty--it would be epic.) The real crux will be weather they can do the random generation correctly (Like a super version of EQLandmark minecraft) , and make systems that really exploit the need for that new world, and allow players to form relationships based on those needs (Excited for the fealty system if they use it for this). But a big thing will be is if they will be able to build servers which can handle this kind of arching, randomized structure.

Combine the random, expansive content though with item loss for turn over? And perhaps adding new adding newer and stronger alloys, which require more and more base metal. Which could force a kind of generational turn over that you see in real economies. And you could actually have a set of worlds where there is a constant need to explore and fight over territory. Anyway, as others have said--all this stuff sounds great, but it's easy to sound great. If they can even pull off a mediocre, watered down version of the above? I'll be super fucking happy.

Also, I love Ralph Koster as a designer. He's a terrible project leader, but he's got amazing ideas and insights into MMOs. Some of the shit he envisioned for MMO's was so far ahead of it's time, and that was his biggest flaw. He never knew when to cut up the dreams and work them into a usable (As per the technology limitations) reality. I mean, if you look at SWG, everyone says the main problem was not the concept--the concept was incredible. It was the execution. Even after release Koster continued to try and flesh out and expand systems, rather than fixing what he had and consolidating/refining; his problem is he needs someone to reign him in. But if he's in a role now where all he does is design, offer ideas and consult--and someone else can cut or use as needed/desires? That's perfect.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
When is the kickstarter??
It hasn't been said if there will be a KS yet, but I assume there will be.

I know they've received somewhere around 2.5 Million from a private investor 1.5-2 years ago, perhaps more in tandem or since from other investors, we know that the character creation screens are actual screen shots and not mockups. Likewise, they've already allowed for at least 5 waves of beta sign-ups (I'm in Beta group 1, my brother is in 5 and he signed up a few days ago) so they couldn't really offer beta slots as a kickstarter donation item, maybe alpha access will be offered? Its weird to see a game give away beta slots prior to possibly running a crowdfunding campaign which could leverage them for donations. So, theres that.

Currently, there is a 32 days left on a countdown timer on the main splash page of the crowfall website,


so if there is one it'd be announced then I'd assume.

Also, for anyone interest heres a devtracker for their forums.Developer Post Tracker - Devtracker | Crows Call


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So this has released more information in this short amount of time then Pantheon has in over a year. I'm sure they will do a kickstarter and I will probably donate to it. I appreciate people actually doing some fucking work to try and get my money instead of playing on feels.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I'm about to board the hype train, but let the minutes show that I did so with great reluctance.