This would be cool.I think we should be able to make our own reactions and react them.
But easily misused I think.
Probably complicated to implement

This would be cool.I think we should be able to make our own reactions and react them.
Nah super easy. Definitely have the granularity.This would be cool.
But easily misused I think.
Probably complicated to implementLightning Lord Rule ?
I don't think we need a million reactions of different cocks to the face....reguardless of how hilarious it would be...Nah super easy. Definitely have the granularity.
The reason your frowny face reaction was denied when you suggested it before is that it's a fucking stupid suggestion. Hey guys, lets make the forum more generic and facebook like! Yeah, no.
As for those specific reactions, putting commie/nazi reactions in the politics thread/general forum just brings everything down. If you can't do better in your criticism and mockery than resorting to calling people commie/nazi then you need to go read a book and then come back and post something more creative.
As for the shaw, those reactions are ALREADY THERE you moron.
Next time, maybe hand your concerns off to another poster who hasn't outed themselves as an idiot before you make them so they have a better shot of being taken seriously.
I'd venture to say Zuckerberg stole the whole reaction idea from this sacred community.![]()
FoH has have been a neg / pos fest for longer than facebook has existed. We'd like more custom reactions. You already have precedence. You sell access to using them, tiered, as it is. The front page advocates and promotes users whom are the most popular / reacted to. This is not facebook, never has been, it's something more. Not sure why you holding us back,Lightning Lord Rule - of the people, by the people for the people?
In for a penny, in for a pound.
FoH has have been a neg / pos fest for longer than facebook has existed. We'd like more custom reactions. You already have precedence. You sell access to using them, tiered, as it is. The front page advocates and promotes users whom are the most popular / reacted to. This is not facebook, never has been, it's something more. Not sure why you holding us back,Lightning Lord Rule - of the people, by the people for the people?
In for a penny, in for a pound.
I have PERSONALLY added 39 different reactions over my time here by my count. No one can say I'm not about adding more stuff. I've also changed certain reactions based on community feedback.
All that said, I will retain veto power over reactions that I feel don't meet standards. In this case, frowny/cry face is rejected for being too generic and gay. THE END.
As for personalized reactions, I can't do that, but guess what? All of you can! Want to know how? Check this out... here's my totally custom and personalized reaction just for all of you:
I don't think we need a million reactions of different cocks to the face....reguardless of how hilarious it would be...
Its not what we want, but what we deserve?