DAOC: Origins - New Server


Trakanon Raider
I have to agree with Melicant. All three realms could run good melee groups in 1.62. It was always more difficult in Albion because you needs 5 classes (clericx2, paladin, minstrel and sorcerer), I think, to bring everything you needs for the group so it only left you with three slots instead of Mid where you needed four (healerx2, shaman and skald), and Hibernia where you only needed three (druidx2 and bard) which left you much more flexibility. Not to mention as has been brought up, the Realm Rank 5 AA's like Group Purge, BoF and SoS were vastly superior to their Midgard counterparts.

As I recall, one of the really big complains about 1.62 as well was the range limit put on the Midgard Shaman Endo regen buff. With no one being able to run a buff bot it becomes a pain to buff a full group as a shaman and makes a played shaman go deeper in to the Augmentation(?) spec instead of heals, or the root and disease line. With a no buff bot server, Albion is going to be further punished by having to run a Friar to have full resist buffs and fill out their base buffs since a group won't be able to base and spec buff with just 2 Clerics. Friars are good soloers but bring nothing of value except buffs to a good 8-man group since they don't get Determination and can't cast at range. It sounds like Hibernia is the perfect realm for the competitive 8-man group since they have the most flexibility as well as Group Purgex2. You would have no shortage of targets instead playing Midgard where you try to find something the Mid Zerg missed.

Charge only became an AA after the New Frontiers AA revamp. It was passively granted to Light Tanks around level 35. Light Tanks could then dump all their AA points into Determination and have Determination 5 by around RR 3L2 or something like that. It took a day or two of play in a good group for Light Tanks to essentially be immune to CC.


Friars should have had determination from the beginning. Don't think we ever got it.

We were mighty in darkness falls though by ourselves


What patch were the 'Dreds on? I remember the Hibernia caster bomb groups and they seemed pretty devastating against the Mid melee groups.

I never ran solo, so it was always amusing when our group ran over a Friar.. Usually next to a dead Shadowblade.


Just a Nurse
What yuo talking about, dreds? Everyone had some form of PBAE, one was the enchanter and then you had a strong DD from eldritch and mentalist.


I mean the Mordred and Andred FFA servers. I had quit DAOC for a while, but I started again and played for a few months with PRX on there as a Ranger. I think it was Conquest who ran a Hibernia caster group that pretty much just ran around AOEing massive amounts of people to death in a very effective manner.

That server didn't last long but it was a lot of fun for the few months I played there.


A nice asshole.
Never played this enough to do all the cool stuff, may give this a go as Mid Healer(shaman) if not enough peeps to group with.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Finally got a chance to hop on this server last night. As I mentioned before, I have never played DAOC before so I had no expectations. I rolled up a friar. Two minutes into game and I get a group invite. We head off through some portal and start killing skeletons and shit. The other folks in the the group were very patient with me and helped me along, even passing me a shield and a helm. Unfortunately I only had an hour or so to play but I had a fucking blast.

I'm more of a PvE guy so who knows how long I'll stick around but the experience hit the nostalgia button big time.

Lost Ranger_sl

That is the only way to play the game imo. DAoC can be one of the most rewarding MMO experiences, or one of the dullest. The PVE is just awful, but get a group together and the pve isn't that bad. Have a dedicated group/guild for RvR and you'll lose a few months of your life easy.
I dont see whats that awful about the PVE, its kind of grindy but mobs didnt strike me as particularly bland, etc... seemed to me some dungeon crawling + mob camps while i learn the game for pvp, on course for the MMOs i usually play

Lost Ranger_sl

See that is just it though. You don't really learn the game from their pve. There was nothing particularly exciting, or challenging about any of the original content. I can't remember a single time during their pve that I felt hard pressed and had to play at the top of my game. It is all pretty generic and boring, and none of it prepares you for the actual focus of the game which is RvR. It was basically EQ-lite without the payoff. If you happen to be with a established guild you also didn't need any gear from mobs/quests. Could have entire sets made up quickly, and cheaply that would carry you from 5-50 no sweat.

The real killer for me though is that the game was ultimately a pvp game. If I wanted to sit and camp mobs for 12 hours a day, or crawl dungeons EQ was just a subscription a way and far better at both. I played DAoC for the RvR, and once I finally got to the RvR the game became one of my all time favorites. I just remember the boring ass grind for what it was and even nostalgia can't get me to do it again.


Golden Squire
DAoC to me was sort of in that transition period between the epic grind EQ was at the time and what things ended up being in WoW Vanilla. Long but not overly long, at least not until the 40s. I spent many a night camping groups of mobs in that final zone. And it could definitely get challenging if shit went sideways on a pull. DAoC had exp loss in so you did get punished for being stupid.

Lost Ranger_sl

Yeah, the 40s are what I remember the most. Fucking brutal depending on your class.

Edit: To be fair my very first experience with DAoC was Hibernia. The realm was not only not finished at launch, it had a horrific linear design that just added to the dullness imo. Then toss playing a Nightshade on top of that and you can see how I REALLY wanted the PVE nonsense to end so I could RvR exclusively.

I moved to Albion later on and the leveling experience was noticeably better. Everything from realm design to atmosphere helped a lot.


I had to jump through hoops to get the game running today post patch. They really need to streamline the install of this guy. The MySQL, Version Conflicts, and .NET errors seem to be commonplace.

I hope they take the time to fix this, as the server could be quite fun, but right now it's going to scare away many non tech types.


A nice asshole.
This isn't free2play yet? The trial is beyond lame, no mounts or crafting at all... really? Pass.


A nice asshole.
I thought this was an EMU...
Bleh it is, one of the links brought me to the official site and I am retarded.

Will be on tonight for some Midgard Healer action, likely named Hatorade unless taken, would love to get a group going.