DAOC: Origins - New Server


Gonna roll a char.... is everyone midgard?
I'd be interested in grouping for this. Someone motivated make a fresh thread with characters, playtimes, realms, etc. I have no idea what I'd play. I guess it depends on how many of each class we have.

Since there is zero multi-boxing, this server should be interesting, Really, I'm not 100% sure I'm interested in this server as they haven't really provided much information. I really hope they make exp faster than Uthgard. That was my biggest issue there.

Lost Ranger_sl

Wtf is dont go 50 hammer, 36+14 is enough
The number of points in a ability determines damage, and combat abilities. You can go all the way to 50 if you want, but in most cases it isn't worth the points. You wont get the combat abilities that come from investing 37+ points, but you will still get the damage with 36+14. That +14 is something you can get on gear. Best gear in the game is a full set of player made gear, fully enchanted by another player. They have templates on the internet to see what you should be looking for. In this case you would want +14 hammer on it to hit that 50 mark for damage output.

Going only 36 opens up points to go into other shit.


Just a Nurse
What was so bad about trial of Atlantis? Never played it
Problem was, that it introduced PvE that wasrequiredto compete in RvR. There were special items known as artifacts that would make you stronger, plus you would have Master Levels and those abilities.

I think I was the only one who enjoyed Atlantis. Tough bosses and great environments. Plus, I was one of the few leaders that was really ahead of the game.

Trials of Atlantis Info


Lost Ranger_sl

It was the requirement to do it that was so bad. The content itself was pretty fun. The problem is that the game is mainly full of pvpers. Being forced to do lots of pve to get back to what you enjoy is bullshit.

Imagine raiders being forced to PvP for months so they could continue raiding. Awful fucking design.


Problem was, that it introduced PvE that wasrequiredto compete in RvR. There were special items known as artifacts that would make you stronger, plus you would have Master Levels and those abilities.

I think I was the only one who enjoyed Atlantis. Tough bosses and great environments. Plus, I was one of the few leaders that was really ahead of the game.
I always felt PVE sucked in DAOC and most of us played for the RVR aspect. It seemed Mythic ignored the most popular part of the game to try to move towards EQ <for some reason>. TOA was better PVE, but still lackluster and weak compared to EQ, and I felt moved in the opposite direction of Darkness Falls, which was great.

I enjoyed the Shrouded Isles expansion and felt it played towards DAOCs strength. Trials of Atlantis was more trying to fit DAOC into a bigger PVE hole and it really pushed me away from the game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Problem was, that it introduced PvE that wasrequiredto compete in RvR. There were special items known as artifacts that would make you stronger, plus you would have Master Levels and those abilities.

I think I was the only one who enjoyed Atlantis. Tough bosses and great environments. Plus, I was one of the few leaders that was really ahead of the game.

Trials of Atlantis Info

I loved ToA but I was a weirdo who actually enjoyed PVE in DAOC. I'd basically just farm with my Enchanter + Druid bot for hours collecting scrolls and getting filthy, filthy rich. Though Light Mentalists were the best at farming. For whatever the other charm classes were for the other realms.

Did they ever fix it so spells actually hit mobs in end-game? I remember going on a SI dungeon raid and had to just whack stuff with my staff because 99/100 spells were resisted.


<Silver Donator>
Did anyone play on Galahad by chance? Debating on doing a Shaman if there're people to level with. Buffs so OP.

Lost Ranger_sl

I get the vibe that rvr on this server is going to be awful. I figured Mid would be the most popular,but it seems worse then I thought. It is going to be a huge cluster fuck with Mid just zerging everything, while Hib/Alb aim for off hour captures. Quick way to kill the server heh.

Hopefully some large groups make some last minute changes so that end game is interesting.


<Silver Donator>
I'd be more than happy to go Alb too. Always thought the classes were more interesting. Love me some sorc/bard


Just a Nurse
Did anyone play on Galahad by chance? Debating on doing a Shaman if there're people to level with. Buffs so OP.

YES! I was on Galahad. My main server. I was Kuriin on Hibernia, Asakura on Midgard, and I played Ssyan on Albion.


yey Friars!
Last time I tried Uthgard , (roughly two years ago or so ) , I got serious flashing/texture problems (using Nvidia then and still am ) , zero issues with other games. Couldn't find a fix then , was wondering if it's still an issue before downloading and trying this one.