Dark Matter


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Title: Dark Matter

Genre: Science Fiction, Drama

First aired: 2015-06-12

Creator: Paul Mullie, Joseph Mallozzi

Cast: Melissa O'Neil, Anthony Lemke, Alex Mallari Jr., Jodelle Ferland, Roger Cross, Zoie Palmer

Overview: The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they got on board. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to become a war zone. With no idea whose side they are on, they face a deadly decision. Will these amnesiacs turn their backs on history, or will their pasts catch up with them?


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Stargate SG-1's Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie are behind Syfy's new series, debuting June 12th, based on their Dark Horse comic. The show follows the crew of a derelict spaceship who are awakened from stasis with no memories of who they are or how they got on board.



Silver Baron of the Realm
Asian guy with a katana ?
Big black guy ?
Hispanic girl ?
Grizzled Captain/first officer sort ?
Assertive looking woman ?
Sensible, science officer looking lady ?
The pretty boy ?

I'm not so hot on the initial premise of everyone(?) being a memory deprived killing machine (as per the trailer) but it's nice to see a return to some space adventures from what used to be SciFi.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Looks like it could be interesting, although they're tapping into some of those old classics pretty hard - asian guy with a room full of katanas on a space ship? I mean really? Does nobody stop when they're writing this stuff and say 'wait a minute, let's branch out a bit'?

Still, it looks like it could be interesting, and I'll give the SG1 people the benefit of the doubt, they pumped out a lot of good seasons (and a few crappy ones, but still). Could be especially good if they tap into that cosmic mystery/horror vibe they got going with SG:U in the second season. Really enjoyed that and was bummed out when they ended it (although at least it didn't turn into a Lost situation).

And greenhair is cute.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Random crew that doesn't know much in the middle of space? Sounds a ton like the start of Farscape, that's potentially a not-bad thing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm cautiously optimistic. It's giving me a FarScape vibe, and I really liked FarScape.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I couldn't get into Farscape. It just felt like an excuse to put a bunch of puppets and people in makeup on a spaceship with the rest made up as they went along, no attempt to create a coherent background for the setting beyond what allowed them to put a hot human looking chick on board. But I only watched the first season - does it improve?


I couldn't get into Farscape. It just felt like an excuse to put a bunch of puppets and people in makeup on a spaceship with the rest made up as they went along, no attempt to create a coherent background for the setting beyond what allowed them to put a hot human looking chick on board. But I only watched the first season - does it improve?

There are still some 'throw away' episodes in each season (Mind you, some of the funniest episodes belong in that category), but once they get to the 'wormhole' storyline, it is pretty good. The series itself ended on a cliffhanger, but due to fan support/demand, they made a miniseries/movie a few years later to tie it up (FarScape: The Peacekeeper Wars). After that, they did a comic book run that was middling to good.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I never touch the comic book sequels. But I'll give it another shot, though maybe not bother re-watching the first season, because that was an effort to enjoy even for someone who'd just blasted his way through 7 seasons of DS9, 8 of TNG, 7 of Voyager (glad I was on enough xanax that I don't remember most of the first 4, ugh), 5 of Babylon 5, 10 of SG1 (and the 2 movies), 5 of SG:A, 2 of SG:U and was looking for the next sci-fi fix.

2014 was a weird year for me...


FPS noob
thats a lot of scifi in a year yo

its worth watching farscape, season 1 is kinda meh but it definitely gets good after that, s2-4 are pretty much galactic soap opera comparable to the shadow wars of B5 or the dominion wars of DS9. I'd watch some other shit for a year though and come back, stuff like Americans, Banshee, comedy, Orange is the new Black, Mad Men, etc.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Haha, yeah it is, like I said it was a weird year. But other than a bit of SG:1 when it was on airing, it was a genre I had mostly neglected, then a friend talked me into watching DS9 around a year ago, I loved it, and off I went...

Already up to date on Mad Men and waiting for more, neither Orange nor Banshee was interesting enough to me to bring me back for S2. The Americans I haven't checked out yet, though I've got the first episode I think, but I'm watching Bloodline and Better Call Saul atm, and I don't have as much TV time as I did last year.


Molten Core Raider
You must be talking about another Banshee because there's no way there's someone who didn't enjoy that Banshee. Be careful how you answer because your future in Fort Kickass is at risk.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I enjoyed it when I binged through the first season, otherwise I wouldn't have binged through the first season, but when the second season came out I didn't feel the urge to watch it on a weekly basis, and then I never got around to watching it in full (I think this was around when I was catching up on 15 years worth of TV scifi). Maybe after Saul, Bloodline, and giving Farscape another spin I'll check the second season out.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
For Farscape best method if you're rewatching from the start would be to Watch S1E1 through S1E3 or so to get the basic set up then just skip to S2 and watch the rest of S1 later.

The reason why S1 is so bad is similar to how Babylon 5 S1 was bad - it was some setup for a few episodes then the rest of it was filler, I guess in both cases they weren't confident a second season would get ordered/rushed/whatever so the filler/episodic episode ratio was really heavy on filler.


<Bronze Donator>
Started tonight. Seems interesting. Worth a watch. This type of space show has been sorely missing for way too long.


<Gold Donor>
I enjoyed it enough to watch some more. I had to laugh at the fact that Lauren from Lost Girl, who is widely loved by lesbians and middle-aged women and hated by pretty much every male that watches the show, is perfectly cast on this show as an emotionless android.

The "captain" chick is pretty hot as well, and has that good strong woman thing going on that makes her even hotter. Rest of the cast is good so far, hard to tell after a pilot episode for sure how each person will flesh out.

End of the first episode set up what I'm guessing will be the main theme for this season, and it was pretty interesting (if predictable). It isn't going to be Firefly good, but it has potential to be entertaining enough to fill the void slippery is talking about.


<Bronze Donator>
It's funny because while I think they are both attractive I'd bang the shit out the little doctor chick

Who no one commented on not having a criminal record?


Trakanon Raider
It's funny because while I think they are both attractive I'd bang the shit out the little doctor chick

Who no one commented on not having a criminal record?
I assume that will come up next episode. I felt a bit bad for the hot pilot though - arson is such an underachieving crime for a space pirate ;p

I quite enjoyed the pilot, will definitely watch more. It has basically no shred of originality but I like the setting and theme, and the characters aren't too bad, other than the token dickhead, who is just trying way too hard.


Vyemm Raider
Not too bad, could have potential. Hope they establish an interesting arc early. Main chic is pretty hot, and a decent actress for being a pop star.
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