It just said he came up with the concept. I.E. I would like to do a Dredd movie, I would like to do a dark version of Power Rangers etc and then he assembled the crew to make those films.
Thats what a producer does, he produces the film...
Some Producers can be more then there credits, but Its the Talent that should be recognized not the guy who says " O btw guys I want to do a cool spider man film with Venom , can you make that happen?"
All a producer should be cited for is the quality of talent he hires throughout his career, and the ability to properly fund said films. If a producer steps out of those guidelines ,and starts creating the content he produces then he becomes a Film Maker in the independent spirit of doing everything.
For example if Stanley Kubrick was alive ,and started producing Michael Bay films there still going to be crap, and shouldn't be advertised as the same person who made 2001..