

Tranny Chaser
I still can't get over the brilliance of the casting for Dark. Its amazing that such people even exist, much less that they were able to find them...
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally finished this. Wow what an amazing show from top to bottom. My mind is still fucked trying to figure it out. Probably one of the best shows ever made. No weak points at all.
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Got something right about marriage
Started watching this because the Outer Range thread reminded me it existed. On ep9 of S1 and it's very good but it suffers from the same problem all multiple timeline shows suffer from. One of the timelines is always vastly more fascinating than the others.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Started watching this because the Outer Range thread reminded me it existed. On ep9 of S1 and it's very good but it suffers from the same problem all multiple timeline shows suffer from. One of the timelines is always vastly more fascinating than the others.
Of everything I have watched concerning time lines and such, this show does it about as well as you could. It will all make sense as you watch it. The writers did a pretty good job of linking everything, but only handing the audience bits and pieces at a time. They also do a fantastic job of transition through time by usually going from the same character to the same character in a different time. It helps with the confusion. Its worth it to go to the ending.

This show is also one of my all time favorites and certainly is number 1 for a foreign show. I even considered getting the DvD's for it.
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Log Wizard
This is a really great show, but everyone is leaving out the best part: much like Peacemaker, you have to listen to the opening song every episode. It's the law.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
As I am a big fan of Dark, I feel that is almost insulting to Dark. There were maybe some light vibes but this show lacks a lot of the great qualities that made Dark good. The Pacing is much faster with only a little character development. The mood is darkish but the story goes right into the WTF rather than playing off a missing kids angle that slowly reveals the truth. There is no real soundtrack that adds to the mood like Dark had. Dark made a person have to pay attention to understand what was going on. Also Dark had one of the best Intro sequences in TV that was somewhat a work of art unto itself.

This show has me somewhat interested, but not like Dark held me.
I noted the music in the thread discussing Outer Range. The Intro Music is one of a very few notable intros that helps set the mood for a show. Battlestar Galactica (80's version) was another great example of music setting up the show. Music is one of the things that I feel Outer Range lacks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
A Special Blue-ray of the entire show would be something I would purchase. As noted in the comments, the team involved is making 1899. Now if those two shows are somehow linked, then it might explain the restart in some weird way. I honestly hope they are NOT thinking of a 4th season. Let the show end please and give me a steelbook collectors edition of it.


Trakanon Raider
No idea, reddit seems to think it was an intern fuckup and they reloaded the season 2 timer page. Curious for sure, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Could somebody better at internet start a new 1899 Thread. They came out with a preview.

I will most certainly give this show a chance. Given how well Dark was made, it deserves it.
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Millie's Staff Member
Well, like usual, I am a year years behind and just finished this series last night.

I thought it was awesome, probably the best series I have watched in a very long time. The mood, the music, the casting and, for the most part, the acting was spot on.

In my opinion, the first season was a revelation, the second very good, but the third started to suffer from some pacing and repetition issues, but DID tie it all together well in the end. I feel like there should have been 4 seasons instead of 3, since they definitely had to accelerate reveals and tie-ins in the third season.

I won't lie, I started getting a little tired of "No, THIS is how we sever the knot" expositions as it went round and round for a bit, but once the writers found an off ramp, it succeeded in the end.

This show is everything I love about entertainment, with the dark, moody atmosphere and music, a persistent air of tension over everything. It is why Sicario is one of my favorite movies of all time.
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Egg Nazi
This show was great but the ending left the main characters' motivations completely inexplicable. Everyone said the ending was so good.

So many unanswered questions. They answered the big picture questions but left so many details unfinished.

A 4th season would be great.