Dawngate - MOBA from Waystone


I've been testing this game off and on for a month or so now. Two lanes is pretty interesting, and I don't hate jungling. Still trying to get used to item builds, though.

That being said, am I the only one that sees goatse in the Dawngate icon? I always forget about it until I load up the game and see that stupid symbol.


So I tried the beta and didn't require a code at all just my origin account.

As a heavy AoS player, then All Stars, and now DotA 2; I feel this game does make some positive steps forward (more ambient map characteristics, alternate economy/strategy means, improved chat reel) but for every step forward they took 3 back. Item's being negligible being the most noticeable for me. I didn't even know where or how to buy items my first game and still dominated my lane as a carry. My second game I found the internal shop and did even better - but nothing really changed (vex both times). Abilities having little or no impact. Why should an enemy move out of the way of an ability if it barely does more damage then my basic attack and the status effects are mostly meaningless.

I'm not sure how I feel about the rune pages and the gem slotting. I tooled around with it and don't feel it made a(ny) noticeable difference. I want to like this game; but it feels like a slightly less MOBA-lite than HoTs, but not really quite DoTa or AoS-quality MOBA.

--- Edit

Fuck anybody that thinks the F2P system should include buying the ability to play heroes.


2 Minutes Hate
I just downloaded this yesterday to try. Has anyone given it a spin? I kind of like the idea of the map and it's objectives. The item system is crazy will all the passives and shit.

I think it's worth checking out, but the lack of champs (shapers) outside the free rotation is irritating. If the game turns out interesting, I would probably toss them a few bucks like SMITE with a god pack or something.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I think the systems that have in place have the potential to be better than League/Dota, specifically the role picking and the 2 lane setup, but it all remains to be seen how quickly they can keep new characters coming, because if it keeps crawling along at the pace it has been it will never pick up any traction.

I still play a few games a week, but it's kind of boring right now. There doesn't appear to be anyone playing it that has any kind of moba experience to speak of and games are almost always a complete slaughter with multiple people leaving very early on.


I just downloaded this yesterday to try. Has anyone given it a spin? I kind of like the idea of the map and it's objectives. The item system is crazy will all the passives and shit.

I think it's worth checking out, but the lack of champs (shapers) outside the free rotation is irritating. If the game turns out interesting, I would probably toss them a few bucks like SMITE with a god pack or something.
This something I should get into? What's the availability look like, do I need to get a code?


2 Minutes Hate
It's in beta, but anyone can play it right now. They are accepting money for their version of Riot points so it's essentially in full release.

Should you get into it? Why not, it's free to try just like League. Is it going to reach critical mass where you can get some good games? Who knows. It has some interesting premises that I think warrants a few games.


Friend me @Vtality
My first game

Game 2


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea, everyone is terrible at this game. I don't know where the people playing it come from, but they certainly have no moba experience.


2 Minutes Hate
I played against some bots last night with a bud of mine because I couldn't play a full real game (daughter was sick and waking up a lot). Apparently it seems the bots play better than the users. I can't get that many kills against bots because they always run away no matter what and hug their towers.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Securing kills can actually be pretty difficult here all around, especially early on. There isn't a ton of hard CC to lock people down with, and most people are starting with the +hp item anyway so general tankyness is high compared to most damage output until a bit later.


I often get early level 2 kills with Drain and Water Orb + Dot combo. People in this game don't really anticipate the dmg the orb puts out.


2 Minutes Hate
I really like that shaper with the shield. She's got a knockup with a gap closer and some ranged slow/harass. Then she also has the tankiness of her W. R with the stun. If you have follow up, she can really lock people down. I played a game with almost full Time items and you can keep W up a lot.


I played exclusively as predator Amarynth, basically a really bursty version of Nami.

I rushed the on spell cast extra lightning damage as a percent of hp and spell dmg items. Does so much extra damage and wave clear.

I also managed to get a rune (or whatever their called) template plate that gives me stacking added magic damage on auto attacks. Seemed really good for early harass and kills since Amarynth's AA range is pretty good.

If this turns into my moba of choice I'll end up picking up Kindra, with the resets on champ kills etc, seemed to fit my play style best.


2 Minutes Hate
I only got a chance to play a few games with that shield chick and I played 12 minutes of that assassin like fish shaper. This game is better than Strife in my opinion. I like it enough to want to play some more anyway.


I only got a chance to play a few games with that shield chick and I played 12 minutes of that assassin like fish shaper. This game is better than Strife in my opinion. I like it enough to want to play some more anyway.
You should give the skeleton king style guy a try, I got pretty rekt by someone who built hp regen/lifesteal bruiser carry on him. So OP.

Also the stone coffin style guy is super tanky with lots of CC, pairs really well with ranged damage dealers as a support tank in lane. (My 15-2 game was with this combo)


Been playing this more and more over this weekend, Hunter Kindra and Tactician Zeri. Mainly during Archeage downtime, have a 10-2 record.