

<Bronze Donator>
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Title: Daybreak

Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure

First aired: 2019-10-24

Creator: Aron Eli Coleite, Brad Peyton

Cast: Colin Ford, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Austin Crute, Krysta Rodriguez, Gregory Kasyan, Sophie Simnett, Matthew Broderick, Cody Kearsley, Jon LeVert, Jeanté Godlock

Overview: Living his best life in post-apocalyptic LA, a slacker strives to find the girl of his dreams while outwitting mindless ghouls and cliquish gangs.


<Bronze Donator>
Pretty cheesy funny. Can't tell if it's aimed at teens or grownups, strong argument for both. Good take on post-apocalyptic / Lord of the Flies mix thing.
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Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
I liked it, it is goofy. Had a nice bit of throw back to the last few decades.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, I watched the whole thing a few days ago. Enjoyable, doesn't take itself seriously. Interested to see what the deal with the Ghoulies are considering the revelations throughout the show.

Josh was also an immature dick, so glad he got put in his place at the end. He was a total asshat towards Sam before the apocalypse, an asshat to his friends, and Sam becoming ruler makes sense since everyone liked her and she was literally the only person who could probably command loyalty from the various student clans.
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<Gold Donor>
I look forward to the further adventures of Angelica (and Crumble). While very cliche and probably based on Hit Girl, she's still awesome.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, Angelica and Crumble were highlights of the show to be sure
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I tried to watch, appreciated Ferris Bueller as the principal. Made it to the ethnically diverse group of golf preppies and threw in the towel.
  • 1Solidarity
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I tried to watch, appreciated Ferris Bueller as the principal. Made it to the ethnically diverse group of golf preppies and threw in the towel.

Heh you ended it too soon then. The golf preppies...don't stay diverse for long ;)
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Worf
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<Bronze Donator>
Okay, just made it to episode # 8 and wow, it is so out of place and nearly irrelevant/inconsequential. It's all a flashback to the day Sam takes Josh's virginity. Barely any relevant plot details as far as I can tell without futuresight. Highly recommended to skip -- all the other episodes so far were at least a B/B+. This is a D. Like an episode of The OC stuck in the middle of the series lol.
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Dislike
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Molten Core Raider
I enjoyed it more than I expected and binged it in two-three days. Hopefully, they make another season.
I think Episode 8 lays down the groundwork for the ending. It did for me anyway.
I felt for Josh even though I think he overreacted. But if you think back to an immature high school kid, that's probably what you would get. Especially if he believed his girl was a virgin only to find out she's a free spirit who's had multiple partners.

Then Sam plays him in the end. Don't know how I feel about her now. The twist was great because I wasn't expecting it but I figured they would just kiss and make up.

Edits: Grammar
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  • 2Solidarity
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<Bronze Donator>
Eh, Cybsled's summary was enough info from it lol, still pretty skippable.

Here's what you need:

The entire episode is a flashback to right before the apocalypse. The entire hour is just Josh and Sam on a "hang" at his house, absolutely no cool post-apocalyptic stuff, if someone watched just this episode they'd assume the show was a teen drama like 90210 or some shit. Anyway, Sam and Josh bang. Josh says he loves her, Sam says "not only do I not love you, you're kind of into the whole monogamy thing and I kind of want to be a slut. Oh and I wish you hadn't posted that video of me." Right after realizing she might be a bitchy slut, Josh gets the news that his dad died. Stricken with grief, he snaps at Sam and makes her FEEL like maybe she is a bitchy slut (she is). Turns out that was the last time they spoke before the apocalypse happened, and Josh's whole quest in the show has been an effort to find her and APOLOGIZE to her for having a negative emotional reaction to the realization that she's a bitchy slut. She could have let it slide considering he didn't snap til after he found out his dad was dead, but nah, it's on him to track her down in the zombie apocalypse and apologize.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I tried watching this but they've cranked up the California to 13, and after 1.5 episodes I could feel my brain tissues melting and synapses burning out.

Not sure how you guys are making it through, especially given the fundamentals of the show aren't very good.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They do that on purpose to show the absurdity of it in a post-apoc setting and also the hypocrisy of it in instances. It’s supposed to be a comedic take after all.
  • 1Pathetic
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Rasterizing . . .
Fun show...definitely didn't take it self seriously and appreciated the non-formulaic take on things.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Me trying to watch this show was like my dad trying to watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure in 1989.
  • 3Worf
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
It's dumb, mind numbing, incredibly predictable, and that's OK, because it's fun, and a bit satirical about a great many things. Watched the whole thing in a couple days because it was nice to turn off my brain for a bit. Unlike After Life, it definitely doesn't take itself seriously, doesn't really root itself in reality in so many ways, but affords a vessel for commentary on modern teenage life. Jesus, I would have been a monstrous slut if Tinder was a thing when I was in high school, too. No, I lie, I barely even liked anyone back then, and I don't even talk to anyone I went to school with.

Childhood is dumb, lesson learned is that life sucks, but the experience is OK for the most part. I guess. Atomic bomb could have been metaphorical for his dad dying, or having sex for the first time, or whatever. I dunno. Didn't want to write a critical analysis, but you could with all the subtle, yet blatant nuance.

Angelica is cool.

Oh, and gay black bro jock love redemption. Let's be more on the nose about the diversity and inclusiveness, but also be overtly racist with the exchange students. I had to look it up, but I was pretty sure the Asian chick was the same one from The Guild. It's not. Now I'm the racist for thinking they all look the same.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I’m loving this. So many weird little things. The second episode where they’re doing the offerings had me cracking up.

And American Ninja Idol, rofl


Molten Core Raider
This was fun, interesting to see what s2 brings.
I'm assuming Sam's sudden character change has something to do with the weird slime Burr had her and the students ingest. They never really made clear what the true intention of that was.
TV show information provided by The Movie Database