DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


sweetheart? yeah! He was PunisherAOD on steam, now he's Judge Isaac

I see him pretty often... he joins the TS channel.. really cool guy

Running Dog_sl

Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ

Dean Hall intends to leave developer Bohemia and step down as leader of his hit video game DayZ by the end of the year, Eurogamer can exclusively reveal. The game he created will be left in the hands of the team he leads today. He will start his own studio in his home country of New Zealand, where he'll keep trying to create that elusive, perfect multiplayer game...

Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ


Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ

Dean Hall intends to leave developer Bohemia and step down as leader of his hit video game DayZ by the end of the year, Eurogamer can exclusively reveal. The game he created will be left in the hands of the team he leads today. He will start his own studio in his home country of New Zealand, where he'll keep trying to create that elusive, perfect multiplayer game...

Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ
I'd wig out about this, but it's in no means a surprise, and honestly I don't think it will end up impacting DayZ much at all. The foundation is there for the standalone game, and honestly, Rocket hasn't really had that much to do with the game except for the initial concept. The mod team pretty much exclusively ran the show for years, and the mod community kept the game relevant after that- DayZ doesn't need him, and it's success doesn't depend on him. I'd wager a guess that a vast number of people who play haven't the faintest clue who Rocket is.

Bohemia isn't going to jettison this one- it's simply too profitable and easily supported by the userbase. I do find it a bit startling that he'd decide to split just as his career was at its zenith, but he's never really been anything close to a traditional developer and honestly, he's kind of flaky (hi2u mount everest). As long as they keep a decent team on it, and as long as they are committed to opening up the project to the modding community, which I have no doubt Bohemia will, then DayZ will be fine.

Much respect to him in the end. Takes a lot of balls to be that honest and committed to doing whatever the fuck he wants to do, no matter the risks. I'd rather deal with a guy like that then someone who hangs onto the project like a leech after he's lost all interest simply because it's successful. Given a choice between him leaving like this, or staying on and producing endless repetitious shit titles every year, regardless of the quality or innovation, I'll take this any day.

I don't think anything like this would stop weird Euro dudes from brutally murdering you while screaming incomprehensible profanity without any pants on and creepy clown masks in any event... Or people abducting you for your blood after force feeding you rotten fruit... Or performing occult ceremonies over your handcuffed, kneeling, pitiful form on the side of a highway... Or frolicking with some random noob who is ecstatic just to find the shittiest gun in the game without ammo. Or the elation of popping off a headshot on a bandit from 700 meters.

And in the end, isn't that what's really important?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm not surprised either. I always got the vibe that he would rather be doing something else, and perhaps he's not the type of person who likes running the show. MC endures without Notch as the lead on development; DayZ will continue without Rocket.

I wish Bohemia would reach out to the Epoch guys and lift some of that talent


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Regardless of what happens after he leaves, I think I've gotten my 30 bucks worth of fun



Experimental Branch

ETA to Stable: No current ETA, dependent on testing results

Known Issues
Physics: Item throwing physics is currently disabled
Melee: Gestures currently do not work from two-handed melee
Melee: Cannot conduct melee attack from "lowered" melee stance (press space to chance stance to "raised")

Actions: Vomiting have associated sound effects
Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan
Actions: Can check pulse on unconscious players
Actions: Searching for berries will now add berries to your inventory
Actions: Eat All now supported for consumables
Actions: You can catch rain into canteen and water-bottle from inventory
Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animations
Animations: Player now can sit with gun/weapon
Animations: Completely new two-handed melee animations. New right-handed poses, moves and attacks for axes, baseball bat, pipewrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel, farming hoe. "Low" and "Aim" stances introduced for stand, crouch and prone.
Environment: New rock textures
Food: Sambucus berry item added
Food: Canina berry item added
Gear: added black and UN ballistic helmet variants
Gear: can opener can be used as melee weapon
Gear: hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masks
Gear: Farming hoe configured and spawns
Gear: M4 attachment green variants added
Graphics: Adding lights to currently rendered scene changed
Graphics: Lighting from objects now is rendered during daytime also
Graphics: HDR improved and tweaked slightly to perform better with bright lights in scene (i.e. flashlights etc...)
Graphics: Engine supported point source light objects (e.g. Gaslamp) now working correctly
Map: Olsha has been updated
Map: Khelm has been updated
Map: New rock formations outside Svetlo have been created
Map: New Orthodox Chapel has been created
Map: Police Stations & Medical Centers have been placed across the map
Map: New villages surrounding Svetlo
Medical: Players can have a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" with pulse checking actions)
Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind, calculated on server and distributed to clients
Weather: Rain now causes items and player to become wet
Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method

Actions: Added 'inUseItem' back to action on target function
Actions: Proper nutritional value will be added when eating near empty food
Actions: Berry picking script messages to player improved.
Actions: Crafting splint from bandages now uses whole disposable bandage and half of dressing bandage
Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and wooden sticks doesn't produce infinite splints
Actions: Clicking on Eat All action if amount of food is below 1/4 will result in playing only short eating animation
Actions: Edited player messages in force drink action and fixing broken limbs
Actions: Force feed/drink doesn't use whole quantity of some food/drink items also canteen is not destroyed after action
Animations: Bandage and eating pills animation glitch fixed.
Gear: Added color variants of ballistic helmets into loot spawns
Gear: Even lower chance of backpacks spawning on construction sites
Graphics: SSAO in options saved
Graphics: Rain effect settings changed
Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes vs 12 bytes per vertex)
Graphics: Spot light culling fixed
Graphics: Fix of terrain intersections
Graphics: Fix of geometry trace for flares
Graphics: Rain now does not fall inside buildings for those on Lower/Disabled shadow settings
Login: Failure during new character creation could cause player to get stuck as unconscious
Map: Optimizations for Svetlo performance
Map: Forests surrounding Svetlo bugfixes
Medical: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions
Medical: Epi-pens will now wake anyone (briefly) from unconsciousness even if blood very low
Medical: Defibrillator used for restarting the heart of players who have a heart attack
Medical: Unconsciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack)
Medical: Melee damage application system changed to better balance
Medical: Chance of bleeding from fists reduced significantly
Medical: Disconnected players avatars did not take shock or blood damage
Medical: Falling from height while sprinting did not kill player when it should have
Medical: Player could vault with broken legs
Network: Dropped items appeared only after a delay (now instant)
Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete)
Network: Optimizations to network messaging updates should result in reduced bandwidth and some increases in FPS for clients/server
Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs)
Weapons: Long-range scope reticle properly centered
Zombies: Zombies aims mostly for chest area now when attacking (stops the "helmet of armor" change)


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan - Hope this camo's up like the mosin did.

Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method - If this works, zombies are going to be more of a constant threat when going through a town/military installation.

Actions: Force feed/drink doesn't use whole quantity of some food/drink items also canteen is not destroyed after action - No more waterboarding Wrathcaster. :/


Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan - Hope this camo's up like the mosin did.
confirmed that this is not working yet, from my experience.. found both green and black spray cans and have been unable to apply them to my ballistic helmet.

however, i did find a UN Ballistic helmet (baby blue)... cute


i duno if this was happening before, but i'm joining servers with a time of day btwn 3:45 and 5:30pm, and finding that they are getting dark at the early end, and in full darkness by 5:30

and since all the servers of the same location (US, UK, DE, SE, EU) seem to restart at the same time, it basically cockblocks me out of a daytime server

though, on the upside, there are now approx 20 experimental hardcore servers coming in under 250 ping, whereas there were only 8 before

also, this...

It seems like their communication and execution of updates leaves a bit to be desired. It's awesome that they're making big strides in these last few and next few upcoming patches, but at the beginning of the month they announced that they'd have a set schedule for weekly updates... they've failed to deliver according to that schedule every week since, either by being early, late, or not updating at all.

then they announce changes with a new patch, only to have several of them not currently implemented, or broken.

it's like their bullshit filter is off, and whoever is in charge of their communication to the public isn't screening the content that goes out for accuracy


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Actions: You can catch rain into canteen and water-bottle from inventory - Didn't see this one earlier, I need to try this out tonight.