DBZ Xenoverse


Ok, lets get this out of the way first. DBZ sucks hur hur hur, Over 9000, every other internet meme etc

IMO almost 100% of anime games based off popular series are trash, and then this game comes out.

So bought this last night on a whim, and what a great game.

It's like a fighting RPG, with a sprinkle of Destiny ( tower with missions), and offline heroes to recruit like Dragons Dogma.

and absolutely no cash shop in a game that could have easily gone that route. Got it for the PS4 ,and haven't put it down. Really cool combat system, a A+ story where they explain why you are in that universe, and fills in some gaps that were left out by the series itself. New 2d DBZ cutscenes etc

The game is actually pretty tough as well. Getting my ass handed to me on some stage bosses.


Got mine ordered and finished downloading last night but haven't touched it yet.

Snow removal sucks in ky lol.

Anyways hope it is as fun as the stream looked that I watched and not just a button mash fest .


Molten Core Raider
Is it 2d sidescroller fighter or some kinda 3d soul calibur etc style.

edit: found a streamTwitch. looks interesting. DBZ has a special place in the ole nerd heart, might have to check this baby out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Looks pretty cool. Not enough for me to buy a PS4 and I bet it looks/runs like potato on a PS3.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is it 2d sidescroller fighter or some kinda 3d soul calibur etc style.

edit: found a streamTwitch. looks interesting. DBZ has a special place in the ole nerd heart, might have to check this baby out.
Rofl I jokingly told my friend the game is PS Home meets DBZ before really knowing anything about the game and I tune into the stream and it looks exactly like PS Home


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's on Steam if you have a PC, no PS anything required. No idea what the reqs are though. I plan on grabbing it when it's not full price.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's on Steam if you have a PC, no PS anything required. No idea what the reqs are though. I plan on grabbing it when it's not full price.
Ah didn't notice it on steam. I looked at top sellers and saw it was absent so concluded it must not exist on the platform.

Oh it isn't out for a few more days on PC


Ok so their is a ton of things I like about this game but 1 thing I absolutely hate so far.

The fighting between 1 vs 2 is ok except it should auto switch you to the nearest target instead of them zooming away and getting jacked from behind by another target .

The targeting is just such a chore to fool with but other then that I am actually enjoying the game .


You get used to changing targets with the analog stick later with lock on. The game is tough enough that it forces you to adapt to the fighting scheme they created although I do wish there was a practice dummy you could work on combos with.

This game is hard as fuck tho, there are allot of fights I'm just getting raped in on story mode.

I really like the Z item slot. You can do all kinds of things with your build utilizing that special slot.

Also all the stasis alignments force you to really fight in different ways very much like an RPG.


Molten Core Raider
I remember going into a Sam Goodies or something and seeing the whole series on individual vhs tapes of five or six episodes. It took up an entire shelf and the tapes made long pictures when placed side by side. It was so cool I asked my mom to spot me the 600 bucks but she declined.

I may have to check this out.


This is out on PC now, has way crisper graphics and runs at 60 fps. I have a credit with steam so I bought this version.

Not sure why the next gen consoles got only 30fps max.

I would advise getting this on steam.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Does it work off of your friends list on steam? And/or a random matchmaking system? I've caught a few comments that this is best played with friends which probably means PS4 since that's where most of us are.


Molten Core Raider
Started playing last night, it's sweet as fuck. I don't know if its me or the game but Online feature wasn't working last night, couldn't connect to server. Also had a weird problem where after like 2 hours the controllers on my ps3 controller i had plugged in just went bananas. Down was up, up was sideways, all kind sof weird shit. Plugged in an xbox controller and it worked fine.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hrm, I'm to the point where they introduced the pair of time fuckers. I've literally had zero issue with any enemy by just using x (light attack) comboed 3-4 times and then finishing with pressing y (hard attack) until it does the ground hit. Then zooming in with the L trigger (dash... I guess?) and just air comboing them until they are dead. I juggled like this was Killer Instinct and my name was Fulgore.

Edit: yeah, I had Fulgore misnamed as Kilgore. My memory is turning to crap.


Molten Core Raider
Hrm, I'm to the point where they introduced the pair of time fuckers. I've literally had zero issue with any enemy by just using x (light attack) comboed 3-4 times and then finishing with pressing y (hard attack) until it does the ground hit. Then zooming in with the L trigger (dash... I guess?) and just air comboing them until they are dead. I juggled like this was Killer Instinct and my name was Kilgore.
Picked up for PC to fuck around with abit thinking it was more a squad base tactical RPG (guess I should read). I wasn't into DBZ much when I was younger but me and the other bullet on kick off always would end our huddle pre-kick with us going super sayian when I was playing college ball. Just level 14 so far, I've put every point into super charger or whatever and do some pretty nice damage it seems with my ult's and then I just recharge if possible and melt some more.

You can't equipt gear on other party members can you? Also is there any area that actually shows quantifble stats like when looking at gear I only see >> or << not actual values.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Got this for PC off G2A for under 40 bucks. Steam name is the same as here. Same icon/avatar.


<Silver Donator>
Game's really fun. I went with an attack/stamina melee char, kinda annoyed as I don't have a good strike ultimate though, but the spam ranged ball randomly is pretty good at point blank so I just end up using that. Lots of stuff makes little sense yet and I'm still not sure how I'm getting some of the combos I am, but overall the combat is really fun. Just wish when you punch someone into the ground, they wouldn't go immune to damage until they get up. If you hit them before they completely crater you can keep the combo going but a lot of the time it just stops and you have to wait for them to get up, can't even spam fireballs on them to add damage or whatever, feels weird.

Also impressed at the PC version not being hot garbage, that's definitely a plus. Could have used a fullscreen windowed mode, but eh not a huge deal. Haven't tried playing with keyboard though, plugged in the PS4 pad to play as it feels more natural, even though some shit doesn't.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I still haven't broken myself from using my "beam" attack (still using Vegeta's Gallick Gun or whatever) the moment I knock someone into the ground. I know it isn't going to hit, but it just flows so naturally that I have a hard time breaking myself from it. =/ That said, the chase mechanics I mentioned earlier seem to work with basically every enemy. If you can keep them juggled, they simply never recover and you get insta wins on the hard bosses. You just gotta defend through their weird pulse bullshit.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah, I still haven't broken myself from using my "beam" attack (still using Vegeta's Gallick Gun or whatever) the moment I knock someone into the ground. I know it isn't going to hit, but it just flows so naturally that I have a hard time breaking myself from it. =/ That said, the chase mechanics I mentioned earlier seem to work with basically every enemy. If you can keep them juggled, they simply never recover and you get insta wins on the hard bosses. You just gotta defend through their weird pulse bullshit.
There's some weird juggle shit yeah. When I was low on health against goku kayioken 3, I ended up doing the charge(like the aura movement shit with left trigger)+Y which does a single kick with a really long knockback, then you charge after it and you can hit them before they recover if you time it right, and you can keep doing that over and over, it reduces like shit for health and takes a fucking long time, but it's super safe since even if you miss they just tend to fall down further anyway so they don't punish you.