Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Tim Drake is the best by all measures besides being the first(costume, brains, beating the entire league of assasins). Damian just gives it a new, much deeper dynamic. The sad thing is since comics are comics, we will never see that endpoint where Batman "saves" Damian by making him a positive part of society..in something other than punching dudes. Just an endless cycle of deaths and reboots. Nobody can have a happy ending, which kinda sucks with comics.
yeah. Batman and Robin. and, Batman, Inc, not being the finale of the Bruce wayne story, and beginning of Dick Bats, Damien Robin, was a GIANT, GIANT mistake. Like, totally broke comics, ala death of superman mistake. Like, Landis's "supermans return broke death", The return of Batman, broke any chance of happy endings, or storys ending at all. Its a cancer killing american comics. everything is in limbo, going on and on and on. Character development is wiped out, and rebooted, over and over. a team finishes up a story. and instead of a new team, with a new story. they take the old timeline, and totally undo everything, taking it in new directions, retconning, and reimagining.. there is no permanence, "power levels" flux wildly, etc..
The Torch had been passed. Dick was Batman, Damian was Robin, and the brother relationship was perfect. Bruce retiring to be a FATHER, like his father before him, would have been the perfect ending.
Writers that fuck that up, are fucking pieces of shit, killing comics, and the character.. For Bruce, a guy with such issues with dead parents, being effectively a deadbeat dad to Jason, Tim, and Damien is complete horseshit. Same to Cass and steph.... nevermind fucking and having a kid with Barbara... (don't cockblock your son.)