Caught that. But why did she have theHe called her Yo Yo
Probably. Sounded like the same Harley accent to me too.Caught that. But why did she have the
same exaggerated Brooklyn accent like HQ? Maybe alternate universe version?
Someone should just take the current film, adjust the contrast and the overall brightness down, run it at 66% speed, and call it the Snyder Cut.Well slo mo drags out the run time
its probably too expensive to film and they figure it would confuse fans seeing genocidal WW and Aquaman. basically boardroom fucks strike again.So it won't be Flashpoint at all? lol
it appears that none of Whedon's footage will remain in Snyder's remade Justice League.![]()
Snyder Says He'd Destroy Justice League Before Using a Whedon-Shot Scene
Justice League director Zack Snyder claimed that he would rather set the movie on fire than use a scene that his replacement Joss Whedon
it appears that none of Whedon's footage will remain in Snyder's remade Justice League.![]()
Snyder Says He'd Destroy Justice League Before Using a Whedon-Shot Scene
Justice League director Zack Snyder claimed that he would rather set the movie on fire than use a scene that his replacement Joss Whedon
Considering this cut isn't "canon" they don't give a fuck. This is just them using the Snyder cut outcry to get subs for HBO Max. AT&T did this without the ok from any of the people running the DCU atm.yeah because its not like Whedon directed some other successful franchise. AT&T might have given Snyder too much creative control. i guess we will see.
300 is an epic movie, Watchman was good. But yeah everything else was unimpressive. Watching Superman let millions die just so he could save his sidepiece, still really pisses me off.Zack Snyder is just so fucking over rated...hes had 1 good movie (300) and the rest of his movies are utter and total shit.