Mudcrush Durtfeet
Hungry Ogre
- 2,428
- -757
They probably have a billion dollars wrapped up in production just for these next 3 movies. The budget for Flash haa to be fucking nuts with all the reshoots and pushbacks it had.Their narrative bullshit of “this resets the universe” is such a copout. They just don’t want to lose money.
Best Batman.
Also, as Bale Batman movies go, I feel like Batman Begins is a little underrated, Dark Knight is slightly overrated and Rises is just straight up mediocre.
in truth - first superhoer movie i am excited to see since endgame. looks fantastic
I believe they're doing a Dark Flash character with it and I remember reading about a Thawne casting, likely as a introduction at some point. I hope they don't butcher the story to much.So Reverse Flash is gonna be an alternate version of Barry instead of an obsessed fanboy from centuries in the future?
Looks cool but god damn just seeing Ezra Miller really damps my enthusiasm. Even if CW Flash badly lost its way in the later seasons, Grant Gustin would be so much better.