Imagine how you'd be on a podcast, after working a long day. Not many people can do that and seem bright and cheery.who says i dont!
This is pretty much the running theme in the MMO industry since 2004I just get sad playing this game knowing what it could have been in the right hands![]()
Fixed that for you. The PVP imbalance is over, if one side is short players, the other said RP's as that side. So everyone has the same wait time between PVP rounds.Is it still play hero side for PvE, hero side for PvP?
Not really sure what this is supposed to mean. DCUO is probably the funnest MMO out there, they just have problems getting content out at a decent paceThis is pretty much the running theme in the MMO industry since 2004.![]()
I feel like we are focusing more on gearing up on the T5 alerts, I'm sure we'll get together more in a bit. Pretty much, the only reason to run the lower raids, is to farm for marks of triumph. I need lots of those, but apparently everyone is pugging. We used to do T4 because it was hard, but now, since everyone has run those a billion times, we just faceroll them in PUG's for the marks.I just returned to DCUO, and I'm having a blast with tons of shit to do...after taking 2 years off that is. To me, the gameplay and atmosphere are just hard to beat. I joined Lyrical's guild (was also in the original Regulators FoH guild) and they have some really helpful members, although I'm feeling left behind now that t5 is out and I'm still working on t4. I have been able to catch up by leaps and bounds rather easily with the amount of marks they're handing out for dailies, alerts and raids.
Did they change that? Because I hit level 30 on my HL toon, and went from 33 to 53 in like two days. I farmed Avatars, then bought some rare armor pieces to get me to 53 (along with mods). From there, I ran t2 alerts and duos until I got to t3. So I got him to 69 cr in like two weeks.My understanding is that sub-avatars drop nothing unless you're CR43+
Nowadays, there are so many duo's and alerts that you could jump a tier or two quick. Hell, Singlemalt took off for like two years, came back, and he's cr 89 already.Sub-avatars apparently got changed sometime last fall.
I got to 38 by putting some iconic stuff that I never equipped on my villain into my hero's bank, but I guess I have to use some marks to get the rest of the way. Or do the GoT thing, but I have no idea how I'd go about finding a raid like that.
There are only two servers now. When the population went down, they moved to a mega server where they can hold a ton of us. There's just PVE and PVP, but you can switch between servers. We are PVE side. Hit me up on Blur for an invite (my play time is limited right now because of work).Lyrical, what server are you on and what faction. I am going to start a new character and would like to try high lvl pvp at some point, are any of the movement powers going to him me in pvp? Lastly class, I was considering an Ice Tank. Any thoughts on that?
EDIT: Also, what about healers? how are the electricity healers?