Yeah. It just feels off. Like it's corny, but not in a fun campy sort of way.This show is kind of retarded, not what I was expecting.
Hope it get's better past the 2 episode pilot.
Ep2 seemed a little off, I don't know what it was.Yeah. It just feels off. Like it's corny, but not in a fun campy sort of way.
Unfortunately the show's main arc is about Vandal Savage and will be for most episodes I'm sure, while they fit in the side stories like this episode with palmer/stein/hawkgirl, and snarts/firestorm.Man, another pretty lame episode.
I wish the show was more monster of the week type with them just time skipping, and meeting all the different heroes across the Multiverse
The whole Vandal savage story arc is bringing it down
Well given the fact we know he is as immortal as vandal savage its not like death is a career ending injury for him just have to catch him on the next incarantion and given they are blipping through time thats a question of when not if.As far as Hawkman is concerned IMDB has him listed for all 16 theres that