The Scientific Shitlord
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Yes, use someone else's flag and red box it.Is there a way to redo shadow and bloody crypt without redoing their prerequisite quests?
Yes, use someone else's flag and red box it.Is there a way to redo shadow and bloody crypt without redoing their prerequisite quests?
Yeah you'll have to farm some quests once you get to that third life. But man if you can keep an elite streak going on a first life it's retarded how fast xp just flies.Worth mentioning, as a VIP you can start on any difficulty, which lets you earn "streak bonuses" if you go directly to elite mode. I'm level 18 on my second life (which takes 50% more exp to level) and I don't repeat any quests. Doing a single run on elite of quests lets you streak all the way to 20 doing each quest only once, which is a whole lot more fun than repeating the same quests 5-8 times each.
VIP required though since that lets you go directly to elite and gives you about 1000% more content with access to every adventure pack.
Are you sure this still works? It won't let me abandon Sanguine because I'm on Bloody Crypt, but if I try to abandon Bloody Crypt it wants to reset the whole chain.Easiest way if soloing is to not turn in the crypt quest after completing it. Instead abandon one of the pre-req's (whichever is fastest to run). Then go to the pre-req quest giver, re-get the pre-req, redo the pre-req and turn it in. That should cause the crypt quest giver to allow you to reget the crypt quest.
Also worth repeating that once you get to 3rd life you can start on elite without a monthly sub. There's only a few points where you will probably run things a few times to pad xp during 1-20, and there's lots of groups there anyways. Necro 1-2, Gianthold, Vale, LOD, IQ. Once you start getting into forgotten realms stuff you don't need to repeat much to boot. Once you get to Gianthold you can just plow sagas once or twice and bam, you're 20. GH elite saga is 46k, and you will get the 20% bonus of a learning elixir to boot.Worth mentioning, as a VIP you can start on any difficulty, which lets you earn "streak bonuses" if you go directly to elite mode. I'm level 18 on my second life (which takes 50% more exp to level) and I don't repeat any quests. Doing a single run on elite of quests lets you streak all the way to 20 doing each quest only once, which is a whole lot more fun than repeating the same quests 5-8 times each.
VIP required though since that lets you go directly to elite and gives you about 1000% more content with access to every adventure pack.
Whether or not you want to get super serious with clickies is up to you. Power creep is such that you don't really need to do so anymore unless you're solo'ing EE raids. UMD used to be the end all/be all of classes so you could eek out every last bit of power and now most people don't even bother. Honestly you can do 90% of content now with only 3 hotbars worth of stuff, 1 if you're a barbarian. The most I do is grab some healing potions and a handful of res scrolls.I'd love to get back into this but this is one of those games where I had a huge setup on my G15 for using clickies and such, next to the fact that the game features are pretty deep and complex to relearn. You forget that stuff and the hurdle is just too big. Though I guess starting from scratch is always a method. It's a cool game.
Once you trigger a hireling they last for 1 hour. The 1 hour timer runs whether you're using them or not but pauses in 'public' areas. They are cheap though so it's not that big of a deal. I've never found them to be cost prohibitive. I just make a point each time I log in to check my spell reagents, thieves tools, potions, scrolls and hirelings and stock up on anything I'm low on before adventuring that evening.I bought a companion the other day. Did an elite quest, did another quest and then logged out for bed. When I logged in yesterday I had no companion. Are they supposed to be only until you log out? Is there a way to get a permanent companion?