DDO (D&D Online)


Molten Core Raider
You don't really need any equipment honestly Harfles. Just grab whatever. But because that's a cheap copout bullshit answer:

Figuring out how bonuses stack is the hardest part of the game. Just remember that every bonus has an adjective in front of it like competence, equipment, implement, etc...

Bonuses of the same type do not stack. So if you have +5 int on one item and +3 on another, if both say they are 'equipment' bonuses only the +5 will take effect.

This is most noticeable on staffs for example:


You get +9 implement which will stack with equipment bonuses. You get +36 universal equipment so those stack for a total of +45. Then you get +54 to Sonic and Negative Energy that DOES NOT stack with the equipment bonus from universal, but does stack with the +9 form the implement bonus and overwrites the +36 universal for those two spell schools.

So some gear to target for:

Something with +int on it (typically a hat)
Something with +spellpoints on it (typically a robe or neck)
A staff with as much +universal spellpower as you can get
An item that grants feather falling (Typically boots or a ring)
An item that grants +runspeed (Typically bracers, boots or a ring)
An item that grants +search/disable (typically hats/goggles)
A tower shield (For the gather up mobs, cast spells, swap in shield and sit there while they die to your spells strat)

Other nice things to have:

Stuff that ups your saves (reflex/will/fortitude) or spell resists (cold, acid and fire are most common low level)
An item with +con or +vitality on it for bonus health


Molten Core Raider
Ok so we need games like vanguard/EQ rebooted with items that have this insane level of detail (hopefully there is some variety as well so there isn't just ONE set of gear that is by far the best or only option). I never played this outside of when it came out for like 2 hours...never did D&D ever in my life or have any visibility to it outside of the very basic concepts in a few games like Baulder gate etc. But I love me some good gearing.....actually EQ1 PoP was still probably the best time I had in MMO's from a gear/desire/rarity stand point. Gear was so hard to come by but made such a big difference; I remember getting PoF god's earring that I'd been saving for months when we got our first kill on him and was so happy.


Molten Core Raider
Zehn I see 2 expansion packs? Do I need to buy both when I start the game? Also is there a month sub or strictly micro-transactions?
Zehn I see 2 expansion packs? Do I need to buy both when I start the game? Also is there a month sub or strictly micro-transactions?
There are 25 modules out now. Each one adds some content. All are available if you are a monthly subscriber for 14.99.

There are two expansions Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy. Both are kind of higher level but they come with goodies to help new character.

I recommend paying nothing and playing through the free newbie area and adventures. That takes a few hours and will give you a feel for the game. If when you get sent to the mainland you think you like it and want to play then subscribe as a VIP for a month. With VIP you can access all the best stories without worrying if you own a particular one. If you get to level 12 or so and you still dig it, grab the expansions.


The Scientific Shitlord
My ranger just hit 20 and I let my guild convince me to do an Epic Destiny before I TR. Tomorrow I start epic levels, whee!


Molten Core Raider
There are 25 modules out now. Each one adds some content. All are available if you are a monthly subscriber for 14.99.

There are two expansions Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy. Both are kind of higher level but they come with goodies to help new character.

I recommend paying nothing and playing through the free newbie area and adventures. That takes a few hours and will give you a feel for the game. If when you get sent to the mainland you think you like it and want to play then subscribe as a VIP for a month. With VIP you can access all the best stories without worrying if you own a particular one. If you get to level 12 or so and you still dig it, grab the expansions.
I recommend this also. I have several characters in DDO, one I recently TR-ed and is back to level 13 i think ( wizzy ). It gets annoying if you are f2p because many of the good modules are premium. Every time I go back I sub.

Sorry to get in late but what server are you guys on ?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm vaguely considering restarting, but if they don't have cheap server xfers there's no chance. Absolutely no way am I giving up the stuff I have on Ghallanda.

Amusingly enough the guild I used to run with was called Ghallanda Rerolled.


Molten Core Raider
I'm vaguely considering restarting, but if they don't have cheap server xfers there's no chance. Absolutely no way am I giving up the stuff I have on Ghallanda.

Amusingly enough the guild I used to run with was called Ghallanda Rerolled.
I think its 25 bucks per toon. I am on Ghallanda as well.


Molten Core Raider
So if you get the expansion, I'm assuming you have to be higher level to use the owlbare merc or whatever? Or does that provide an option/advantage at the start?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Zehn why did you switch servers anyway? Weren't you on Ghallanda with us back when we start a guild from the old forums?


Molten Core Raider
So if you get the expansion, I'm assuming you have to be higher level to use the owlbare merc or whatever? Or does that provide an option/advantage at the start?
It's level 18+ only I think. The only advantages you get from the two expansions for low level is if you get the premium underdark expac, then you get one permanant +xp tome per server. Only one though so use wisely.

Invites sent. Check your in game mail. It'll have an item you can detach and then click on the get invited.


Molten Core Raider
So should I run around with 1 rented hireling? I got the VIP thing, half way through 2. I think this might be a good time killer when I need a break between Smite games. I went wizard, going into the necro'esk one (pale master?). Should I always start elite? Or did you say do each version anyway.

Also if I were going to spend a few bucks whats my best bang for my buck? Expansion or any particular thing in the market? Man they got a lot of shit in the market, I will say I love starting a game and being completely perplexed with everything. Most MMO's you are hand held until pretty far in if not end game. DDO its like oh btw if you haven't played D&D before you shouldn't even try and read shit because your brian will melt.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, rented hirelings are cheap enough that you should never leave home without them. The level 1 barbarian hireling is strong enough to solo all the Korthos missions on elite so I recommend him to start with. Once you hit level 5 or so get a cleric hireling. Even though the cleric can't heal you when you're in undead form they tank better then melee hirelings due to being able to self-heal. They also effectively increase your mana by about 50% through that ability that lets them grant you spell points.

The optimal XP is gotten by doing elite 3 times, then normal, then hard. This is because every time you run a dungeon beyond the first (on any difficult) it reduces the xp you get by 20%. But the first time you run a dungeon on each of the difficulties you get a bonus. So Elite once for +80% xp, then elite at 0%, then elite again at -20%, then normal at +20% (instead of -40%), then hard at +50% (instead of -60%).

Best bang? Probably the standard edition of Underdark for 34 bucks or whatever. You get 1000 turbine points (~$12 during a sale), a greater tome of epic learning (~$14 during a sale).

The only low level stuff worth getting for 10bux would be adventure unlocks honestly. The only thing worth buying in the game are adventure packs if you don't sub.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, rented hirelings are cheap enough that you should never leave home without them. The level 1 barbarian hireling is strong enough to solo all the Korthos missions on elite so I recommend him to start with. Once you hit level 5 or so get a cleric hireling. Even though the cleric can't heal you when you're in undead form they tank better then melee hirelings due to being able to self-heal. They also effectively increase your mana by about 50% through that ability that lets them grant you spell points.

The optimal XP is gotten by doing elite 3 times, then normal, then hard. This is because every time you run a dungeon beyond the first (on any difficult) it reduces the xp you get by 20%. But the first time you run a dungeon on each of the difficulties you get a bonus. So Elite once for +80% xp, then elite at 0%, then elite again at -20%, then normal at +20% (instead of -40%), then hard at +50% (instead of -60%).

Best bang? Probably the standard edition of Underdark for 34 bucks or whatever. You get 1000 turbine points (~$12 during a sale), a greater tome of epic learning (~$14 during a sale).

The only low level stuff worth getting for 10bux would be adventure unlocks honestly. The only thing worth buying in the game are adventure packs if you don't sub.
Ok thanks for the info. Is there some bug that makes hotkeys not work....I had a key to loot all and I logged out and logged back in and it doesn't work now. Tried changing it to other keys but can't get loot all to work at all which is such a nice feature