Dead Space 3


I'm sorry, but you're wrong on it just being 'more of the same.'

I can still play Dead Space 1 and 2 at any time and get the same feelings which scratch my survival horror itch. When I play Dead Space 3 it feels like they're not even trying. Even ignoring the plot, which I won't even go into, there are no areas in Dead Space 3 where I even feel 'uneasy' or have an 'OHDEARGOD HELP ME' type feel. You could eliminate all of the plot from Dead Space 1 and 2, and you'd still have areas which do that. Examples that took about 30 seconds to find:
To answer your question: FUCK YES it can still sometimes terrify despite having already died and reloaded to it.

Part of it has to do with the 'atmosphere' which you insist is similar. But its not. They're not even trying to terrify anymore, and my challenge would be to have a friend of yours who has never tried playing the series play Dead Space 3 first. Then have them try the first game. See what they say.

The other factors have to do with the changes to gameplay. Part of survival horror is scarcity of resources and resource conservation. Having universal ammo and an abundance of health items takes away from that. Dismemberment is no longer required either, which makes it less important for resource conservation and accuracy. As a result, the Necromorphs feel weaker overall, even without Co-Op. Finally there's Co-Op, and there goes the entirety of the survival horror feel.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong on it just being 'more of the same.'

I can still play Dead Space 1 and 2 at any time and get the same feelings which scratch my survival horror itch. When I play Dead Space 3 it feels like they're not even trying. Even ignoring the plot, which I won't even go into, there are no areas in Dead Space 3 where I even feel 'uneasy' or have an 'OHDEARGOD HELP ME' type feel. You could eliminate all of the plot from Dead Space 1 and 2, and you'd still have areas which do that. Examples that took about 30 seconds to find:
To answer your question: FUCK YES it can still sometimes terrify despite having already died and reloaded to it.

Part of it has to do with the 'atmosphere' which you insist is similar. But its not. They're not even trying to terrify anymore, and my challenge would be to have a friend of yours who has never tried playing the series play Dead Space 3 first. Then have them try the first game. See what they say.

The other factors have to do with the changes to gameplay. Part of survival horror is scarcity of resources and resource conservation. Having universal ammo and an abundance of health items takes away from that. Dismemberment is no longer required either, which makes it less important for resource conservation and accuracy. As a result, the Necromorphs feel weaker overall, even without Co-Op. Finally there's Co-Op, and there goes the entirety of the survival horror feel.
The list from your video for the first five minutes:

scene 1: human stabs another human with a screwdriver
scene 2: generic isaac vs. necromorph fight
scene 3: human gets engulfed in plasma along with a necromorph attacking him
scene 4: generic necromorph pops out of a vent
scene 5: human pinned to the ceiling by a necromorph
scene 6: isaac running through fires
scene 7: tentacle grabs isaac and pulls him
scene 8: regenerator fight
scene 9: human commits suicide
scene 10-11: generic necromorphs killing isaac
scene 12: opening scene of DS 1 where you're introduced to necromorphs for the first time
scene 13: isaac fights a necromorph which gets back up after it's taken down
scene 14: isaac grabs a medical gel and a necromorph pops out of a vent nearby

It's obvious where this is going. Necromorphs popping out of vents, getting back up after you down them, and slaughtering humans are standard fare in DS 3. There are several scenes with regenerators you have to run away from in DS 3. You have plenty of dimly lit environments like those shown in the videos in DS 3. In fact, the only thing that's missing from DS 3 from those videos is the explicit display of recent marker caused insanity, but in the first five minutes this makes up less than 10 seconds of the 'scary and brutal moments.'

This is subjective, of course, but it's inane to me that people think simple necromorph encounters are among the 'scariest moments ever' in DS 1 and yet when faced with the same in DS 3 it's 'they're not even trying.' Ever think that this is not because the devs have stopped trying, but rather because necromorphs just aren't that scary when you've faced them a hundred times over? There's no way a scene such as the ones they showed in DS 1 are going to be equivalently scary when put in DS 3, and in case you disagree, then explain to me how a necromorph popping out of a vent in DS 3 fails to produce the same emotion that a necromorph popping out of a vent in DS 1 does.

Scarcity of resources and resource conservation: you are playing on the wrong difficulty. Dead Space 3 is easier than previous installments in that 'normal' here is 'easy' and 'hard' is 'normal'. I personally never had issues with resource management in DS 1 and 2 when I play on lower difficulties either, and while universal ammo does help with not having to switch weapons, it comes at a cost: you have less weapons to work with and when you're out of ammo, that's it.

Dismemberment: dismemberment is still there, and only ceases to matter when you use weapons that are explicitly designed to not care about it. But every weapon has its own set of weaknesses. For example, I played through the game with a lightning gun, which has no dismemberment requirement. But the lightning gun also fires slow and its projectile has a small hit box, so when a shot misses the necromorph is on top of me before I get to fire the next shot, and aiming it in close quarters with knockback is horrendous. This has resulted in plenty of reloads. Again, play on a higher difficulty level.

Co-op: the only argument I agree with.


Dude, you are such a sad fucking little apologist. Just stop, you're not convincing anyone.

You're flat out lying about tons of shit too. Like the resource crap, it's absurdly abundant even on the highest difficulties. The game SHOWERS you with med kits and ammo no matter what you play on, it changes nothing. There only exception to this is the Post-Game Pure Survival Mode where it turns off drops and you have to craft ammo/med kits. Hard/Impossible has absolutely no bearing on drop rates.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Reviewing my stream ATM but pretty sure they skew rates in modes - hardcore definitely felt like more health packs less resources and ammo from memory.

Not that it matters even Survival running out of resources is rarely an issue. (Speaking as someone who platted it)

Resource management of all sorts is absolutely absent - besides ammo I don't consider it a bad thing although I see why some would.


Dude, you are such a sad fucking little apologist. Just stop, you're not convincing anyone.

You're flat out lying about tons of shit too.Like the resource crap, it's absurdly abundant even on the highest difficulties.The game SHOWERS you with med kits and ammo no matter what you play on, it changes nothing.There only exception to this is the Post-Game Pure Survival Mode where it turns off drops and you have to craft ammo/med kits.Hard/Impossible has absolutely no bearing on drop rates.
I'm lying because I'm repeating what the IN GAME description for each difficulty level says?


Easy ammo drops: 6 ammo units / drop
Normal ammo drops: 5 ammo units / drop
Hard ammo drops: 4 ammo units / drop
Impossible ammo drops: 3 ammo units / drop

Check it yourself and then ask why are you such a prick when it comes to Dead Space 3. It's obvious who's got a personal vendetta here.


Dude, it doesn't change the fact that the game SHOWERS you with the stuff. No matter what you play on the crap just rains on you and unless you are the worst player in world you are never, ever in danger of running out of medkits and ammo. The amount it gives per drop means fuckingnothingwhen your inventory is overflowing with it and the ground is covered in it.

Stop apologizing for this piece of shit game and stop being such a pathetic liar, it's sad.


Dude, it doesn't change the fact that the game SHOWERS you with the stuff. No matter what you play on the crap just rains on you and unless you are the worst player in world you are never, ever in danger of running out of medkits and ammo. The amount it gives per drop means fuckingnothingwhen your inventory is overflowing with it and the ground is covered in it.

Stop apologizing for this piece of shit game and stop being such a pathetic liar, it's sad.
Sorry, but I don't agree that it's a piece of shit game just because Sean doesn't like it, in the same way that I don't agree that the games Sean praises to the high heavens are awesome just because he loves them. Despite what you think, you are not the fountainhead of game evaluation and there are plenty who disagree with your views on games. Also despite what you think, those who disagree with you do not have to lie to make a cogent argument.

Dead Space 3 is the weakest game of the series. But the arguments people have leveled against it - ie 'it's not Dead Space' - fail to provide an understanding as to why. Antony Johnston, the writer of Dead Space 1, said as much when he admitted that to make moar of the same is to 'just have the same game on a different ship each time, and that's pretty dull.'


Dude, you made a terrible attempt to cover up a major flaw of the game. You flat out lied about it. Keep lying about it and you earn a vacation.

There is no resource management or conservation. You are continuously flooded with ammo and med packs and playing on Easy or Impossible does not change that. It doesn't matter if it gives you six ammo per pick up on Easy or three ammo per pick up on Impossible. No matter what you play on you are never, ever in danger of dying or running out of ammo. That's a fucking fact.


Dude, you made a terrible attempt to cover up a major flaw of the game. You flat out lied about it. Keep lying about it and you earn a vacation.

There is no resource management or conservation. You are continuously flooded with ammo and med packs and playing on Easy or Impossible does not change that. It doesn't matter if it gives you six ammo per pick up on Easy or three ammo per pick up on Impossible. No matter what you play on you are never, ever in danger of dying or running out of ammo. That's a fucking fact.
It's a major flaw of the game because of a false premises?

This is a classic 'did you stop beating your wife' logic trap.

'You are never, ever in danger of dying or running out of ammo.'

'Uh, no. I was both in danger of dying and running out of ammo...'

'Then you have to be either terrible or a liar!'

'Wait a minute-'


No matter how much you think your own experience translates to that of others, Sean, there is no way that an average player playing on impossible is 'never, ever in danger of dying or running out of ammo.' You can check the popular forums and LP videos.


Dude, the game pops out medkits and ammo packs like the mobs are fucking Pez Dispensers.

Seriously, stop apologizing for this bad shit.


There's no value going down this circular path of 'he says she says'. It's not like people who had a problem with the difficulty of the previous Dead Space games didn't have the option of dropping down to easy / normal to achieve the exact same effect of having more ammo and health packs than they needed. This is not fucking Demon Souls / Ninja Gaiden; anybody could've beaten it with infinite reloads and difficulty tweaking. Resource conservation comes up only when you play at a level appropriate to your skill. If you're too skilled for the fucking game then the only issue is that the devs didn't give you survival mode at the menu because they wanted to, you know, increase replayability. That's a minor flaw at best.


Dude, I am not great at shooters by any stretch of the imagination, hell I wouldn't even call myself good at them, and the difficulty level has no discernible bearing on how often mobs drop shit in this sad game. They shit out med packs and ammo no matter what.

There is no fucking resource conservation in this game. It is non-existent due to the absurd drop rate. There's no he said she said, there's no ifs ands or buts about this, it doesn't matter if you're good or bad at the game. It doesn't matter if they give less per drop on a higher difficulty, they rain from the god damned sky.

They completely did away with that part of the game. This is not an opinion. This is fact. You have EA's balls way too deep down your throat. How much did they pay you?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Again even Survival gives too much resources and I don't consider myself a great FPSer


I wasn't even going to jump in as I was totally baffled by him trying to justify it.

Anyhow, the point I was trying to make by the video wasn't just 'Oh geez, the scares' even though there were a few parts which still could make me jump to this day but also the fact that a single Necromorph was a hugely credible threat in a survival horror atmosphere with low ammo, resource conservation, etc.

Not so in Dead Space 3. There's never even a point in the Co-Op where either me or my partner felt like we couldn't handle clearing a room alone. While we didn't start on Impossible difficulty, we did play on Hard, and it feels like a fucking joke then. I doubt Impossible would feel much harder. The only game over we ever saw was a death by cut scene.

There are parts in Dead Space 1 that to this day I cannot fucking finish alone, and would have loved a partner. Trying to do the final stage on Impossible for example. Jesus Christ, there were some areas I just could not ever get past. I'll fully admit it, I never could finish it, because back then a room full of Necromorphs all rushing you was GD hard on the typical cache of resources you had to work with in Dead Space 1 on Impossible mode.


Just a Nurse
How often can someone start their paragraphs with, "dude"? Sean, can you chime in on this?

edit: Completely disappointed with the reviews this is getting. Played the first and second game the day it came out nonstop and I still have not touched this game yet and it's in my room. ;\


<WoW Guild Officer>
edit: Completely disappointed with the reviews this is getting. Played the first and second game the day it came out nonstop and I still have not touched this game yet and it's in my room. ;\
Its not a bad game, its just not very...Dead Space, so you may have that nagging feeling while you play it.


How often can someone start their paragraphs with, "dude"? Sean, can you chime in on this?

edit: Completely disappointed with the reviews this is getting. Played the first and second game the day it came out nonstop and I still have not touched this game yet and it's in my room. ;\
Dude, like, it's totally not my fault. It's sometimes really hard to not regress into speaking in full on Valley, you know?

You should just take the game back, hopefully it's unopened and you can get a full refund.


After reviews I DL'd. Complaints are warranted but I'm hard to please these days. It had a lot of the Deadspace feel at first but I stopped playing shortly after reaching the planet. Too easy, pacing sucks, and just feels very generic. If you like the series it's worth a rental maybe but if I would be pretty pissed if I payed full price. Unless you're hurting for something to play I would save some time and youtube the story like I did when I quit.