Deadpool 2 (2018)


Vyemm Raider
or you could be the greedy bastard who says,,, i am milking this for every fucking dollar i can while the getting is good...

side note...seeing this this weekend. probably sat night or sunday, would be thursday but 2 of my kids will be in NY for a school trip and they want to see the movie too.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I said it in the other thread, if FOX/Disney were smart, they'd make a deal for just Deadpool advertising and have him do advertisement campaigns for their big crossovers, even if he's not in them. Dude just fucking kills at marketing. His marketing with this character is more entertaining than many fucking full superhero movies, certainly better than the last Xmen film.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Didn't disappoint, quality movie. Trailers were somewhat misleading in a really good way. Mid-credits scenes were fucking hilarious but there's no scene at the very end so need to stay after hearing this word


Potato del Grande
First act the jokes are "heh..." so it's a bit weak, second and third acts are pretty good. Best two jokes are in the 3rd and 4th mid credit scenes.

They spent too long on the emotional moments considering how it's resolved.

Cable is great and Domino has a really good power. Shatterstar really stole the show though, best X Force member.


Log Wizard
I'm seeing this tomorrow night. Do I wear my full body spandex deadpool suit and custom mask?

No, because it's like 90 degrees.

I'll let people know a real, accurate review of the movie. I fucking loved the first one and I'm not one of those fucking prudes who are like "It was TOO jokey!" I'll shoot that straight shit, bros. I'll do a boob/dick count too.


Log Wizard
Just saw it. Pretty great. I'd give it 8.5 or 9 out of 10. I liked the longer length so the story had more acts. No boobs, but there was a wiener!

If it's better than the first Deadpool? I honestly can't answer. The first one was such a concise and concentrated version of the character and humor. The second one just takes that and runs with it and applies it to more shit. It's like saying is the first Naked Chicken Chalupa you eat better than the 2nd time when you get 2? Like the first time it's SO amazing that the next time you get 2. Is it AS good? You're not sure. But do you regret getting 2? Fuck no.


First of all, best soundtrack ever. I might've gotten a little misty on death #3 with the acoustic Take On Me.
Colossus FINALLY gets to FIGHT some one. Fuck yes. He's one of my favorite characters and they finally got him to fight some one he can FIGHT. Not just some person he's trying not to kill.
Cable was pretty good. I thought with his "I was never good at it" line about humor he'd have one good joke at the end that made Deadpool soil himself.
Dopinder was pretty good. I loved the bloodlust thing since he's this shrimpy dorky Indian dude. Great use of ancillary characters.
The X-Force massacre I HOPE was a direct nod to the greatest comedy ever made, MacGruber, in which he basically kills his entire super star team with his own negligence. It was great. Fucking Shatterstar.
Domino was great. When the locker fell on that dude's head the theater clapped. And it was like 15% black and 65% fat bearded nerd +girlfriends. All her luck shit was well done.
Great hidden cameos they kept under wraps. The X-Men being literally feet from him was great. Juggernaut as a big bad was cool and even though he didn't have his Crimson armor, he was still pretty good. Black Tom stuff was LOL. Too bad we didn't get to see some Ice Box mutants use their powers.
More to say but I'll wait for other people to bring up shit after they see it and comment.
RIP Terry Crews though. So much potential.


Shatterstar was my favorite character growing up that wasn't Deadpool. They had such a similar skillset. He did NOT disappoint in this movie.


Trakanon Raider
I was worried that the whole X-Force team was going to take away from that Deadpool focus, but can now definitively say that all of my favorite parts in this movie were of that team. Fucking nailed it. I'll disagree on all the Shatterstar love though, he was my least favorite, too much green.
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<Gold Donor>
Man, yet another movie I fucking loved so close to Infinity War.

I agree that it is hard to say if it is better than the first one or not, because if the first movie didn't exist, ignoring the lack of backstory that would cause, this movie would be just as much of a breath of fresh air/slap in the face as the first one. I don't know if it will do the same numbers as the first simply due to all the competition during the summer (the second showing I was at was only half full), but it deserves to.

I loved pretty much everything about this one too. The only thing I would really complain about is that there was way too little of some of the characters. I'm not talking about X-Force, they were perfect for what was intended. I'm talking about Vanessa, Negasonic, and Colossus mainly. And newcomer Yukio. I truly, truly hope she gets put into any X-Force movie that gets made, along with Negasonic. I already had a thing for Negasonic (who got way hotter), now Yukio is fucking adorable. I'm imagining the two of them scissoring. I'll be in my bunk.

Domino was fucking amazing, I have to say, and I had my doubts going in. Cable, of course, was great too. Brolin was the perfect casting, although if you close your eyes, with the things he says at times, you'd be hard-pressed to guess if it was Cable or Thanos he was speaking as. Very similar acting and outlook on things, in a broad sense at least.

End credits scenes were awesome. However, as someone else said, once the obvious ones are done, there is nothing more. No need to sit there for another 5+ minutes. You'll know when they are over, trust me.

I gave Infinity War a 9.5 just because it wasn't *completely* perfect. I probably gave the original Deadpool about a 9 I'd say. This one was easily a 9 as well, maybe even a smidgen higher. I can't really decide which I like better, but maybe after I watch this one half a dozen more times I'll be able to figure it out.

<----- Hi Yukio!


Life's a Dream
I saw this tonight. First movie at 4, then the 2nd started at 6:30. It was excellent! I really think I liked the 2nd more than the first. The characters were great. The surprises were awesome. Humor was top tier. Hardest I've laughed in a movie in a long time. Like seeing standup. Really really good experience.

Fuck that was good.