Death Stranding


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't watched the trailer the last few trailers. I was intrigued enough a long time ago, and this game looks so weird that I don't want o be spoiled in any ways, not just the story, but I want every visual weirdness to be experienced in game.

It's not necessarily a day 1 purchased, still going to wait for reviews but I feel this is one game you want to go in as blind as possible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
My first reaction is Kojima can't stop smelling his own farts and this game is his magnum opus of fart smelling. Then I'm intrigued because I like Norman Reedus. Then info about an upside down dimension that you are banished to if you die. Kojima still has his head way too far up his own ass to be healthy, but I seem to really like games with a "strange" Lovecraftian twist to them now, so my interest is more than piqued. However, I don't want to spend an entire game avoiding fights (not stealth this time but flat out running), and frankly I'm getting some serious No Man's Sky vibes from all of the "Ok what do you do?" questions popping up in all discussions. But, If the gameplay is actually intriguing and not just an inconvenience to slog through to get to the next cinematic a la RDR 2 and it's fairly open ended in allowing you to approach things in any way you see fit without overly punishing you for doing something the devs don't want you to, then I'm totally in.

I disagree. Despite his issues and fart smelling kojima has never been one to have shitty gameplay like RDR2s bullshit. His most hated game is arguably mgs with that fag rayden or whatever. The gameplay wasn't even bad. Everyone just despised that faggot and the story was even dumber than usual.

I give credit for kojima for being willing to put outright experimental and trolly gameplay into his games. Like mgs where the guy can read your mind unless you put the controller in the other socket and all the shenanigans in mgs5.

I fully expect this game to have the stuff he's known for. If it does end up being a walking simulator it would certainly be the very first one he's ever made.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
11-8-2019 release date. (Oops old news)

Also it won't be a walking simulator. Melee and ranged combat and skill systems, etc.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm not saying I think it will be a walking simulator, I just personally think his games are not all that. Like I remember when I played the first MGS. I didn't hate it. In fact I thought it was solid. But not a 10/10 game by any means. And I remember all the praise heaped on it for months afterward. I didn't play any of the others because I'm not much for military games but I have watched the in depth coverage and still doesn't strike me. This game on the other hand intrigues me and I hope it is more like God of War style cinematic game where you as the player still have agency versus RDR or a Naughty Dog where story trumped all. From what you said it should, so hopefully it does, because the setting looks badass
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Vyemm Raider
I'm just hoping we get a lengthy 40+ hours out of the game and not <20.

I mean, brand new studio, ambitious first project, big name actors, incredible graphics, fully voice acted... I can understand an amazing, but short, game like uncharted, tomb raider, Last of Us, or God of War.

But I'm hoping we get something lengthy like Witcher 3, Zelda: BOTW, Monster Hunter World, or Horizon Zero Dawn.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
this is what comes in the collectors edition

Think I'ma buy this just to put on my office desk when out of town VPs and other managers come visit to really drive home how crazy I am. May have to buy a camera to record reactions for posterity.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I like how the trailers keep showing you more and more about the game but still don't make any sense or are complete batshit.

This is going to be a wild ride day one for me... rofl.


Trakanon Raider
21minute life cycles, jesus man wth does he have planned for all this, it's gonna be interesting that's for sure.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I liked that he was delivering anime figurines to a remote outpost in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.


Trump's Staff
If the beginning of DS is anything like the beginning of MGSV then I look forward to the Youtube video. It is in so bad that it is good territory of awful and belongs on an episode of Best of the Worst. Yes, this is a Drive-by shitpost, but Kojima is the most overrated hack in the industry. I forced my way through about 8 hours of MGSV mostly out of sheer disbelief (and work) that a game so repetitive, boring, and full of contradictions (in gameplay) was praised so highly. I am crossing my fingers that the Neil Breen of video games delivers again.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
MGS5 was a great game. I like Kojima because the guy is willing to do absolutely insane, whacky ass shit and just put it into games. Things that sometimes don't work out all that well but damned if it wasn't interesting.
  1. Psycho Mantis in MGS - reads your mind via controller unless you put it in the second slot before fighting him. This is game design brilliance and has never been seen again really. The boss also would read your memory card and say shit like, "I see you like Castlevania."
  2. Character Creator in MGS5 as a total troll mechanic that is shitblasted the second you're done with it because the place burns down. LOL.
  3. MGS5 was in some ways an incomplete mess but it STILL had so much content I spent 200 hours on it.
  4. Snake Eater, full of brilliant experimental game mechanics.
He has a lot of hit or miss shit but you really can't blame the guy for trying. Every Kojima game has at least had some very memorable moments.