Oh Jesus Oh Lawl, Sam "implying" that you won EQ almost made me fall out of my chair. Yeah you backpeddled a bit later...kind of...in a "Sam" way I suppose...
Sam Bragwalker said:
You beat others by having the ability to beat them in pvp (all they have vs. all you have) OR you kill a stonger mob with all you have vs. all they have. Thats the only two accurate measurement. PvP is ususaly not possible due to different servers and what not so who can solo the stongest mob with characters on accounts they own (and leveled up themselves) and playing as many accounts that they own as they can at the same time. Others can raid and get raid items to improve their toons but if all that gear dosn"t let them kill a stonger mob then I can kill then well I guess Im better.
You never beat the game as there is always more to do but you do beat other individual players.
Of course I stoped about July of 2008, I am sure that I will be passed up as time goes on. But as of July 2008, I consider myself the best. And some others on that thread do also.
And no matter, I think we can all agree that I am the best known EQ1 player at any rate. The only other two might be Fansy or Furor and they are gone into the dustbin of history while I am still around.
Again if you are of the opinion some other single person did better in EQ1 then me, say who they are and why. That thread was a sticky for many months and anyone who wanted to claim whatever they wished were free to do so.
To be honest I think that what the problem with Wilber and others have with me is that I have accomplished vertutually nothing in WoW and yet I am better known, and more famous, already then others who have done 100 times more in the game than what I have. I do self promote and as a result I get known. Well ...
Sorry that"s a golden quote.
REALLYsounds like someone from here, though years late in saying this:
right, now that we"ve officially established that Sam is:
* Thick as pig shit
* Egotistical beyond all comprehension
* The worlds most brick like troll
* Coated in Inpregnable insultproof retard skin
can we now please ban him?
To Sam
The thing that I find saddest of all, is that because you are such an utterly dense and stupid prick is that your own "people" ( Or as close as you come to... ) have turned on you and want to make sure that you have an utterly SHIT time playing WoW. Whilst it goes against most of the rules of the game and blah blah blah I really hope that you never experience anymore content beyond the places you teleport into before a Multibox train comes and rips you a new one. Cheer up sunshine, theres still plenty of city quests you can do. I"m sure with 26 characters you could be an awesome AH trader as well, if you never left the city, just park all your guys up infront of the auctioneer and prevent people from clicking on them.
Anyway shithead, you"ve brought out the worst in us, Congratulations, long may it continue.
Seriously, Sam - that forum is like gold to you. You still have your supporters there, but DON"T fuck it up. I have a hunch you will to some extent anyways, but if you were ever to cultivate a "good" relationship with a forum, that would be the one to choose.
Also I can see the reason for saying that a group of 5 level 55 DKs would be a free pull for you (possibly soon) over on DUALBOXING considering many will bring a 5-man box team. Over here, though, most people won"t. It would most likely be single individuals, but many of them, no boxing, guilded, possibly raided up, out running around looking for you. You of all people should know how few non-boxed, skilled players it takes to wreck a boxer. Picture 10-15 DKs running you down. There are a lot of really skilled players who might go over as well. Also picture some people who don"t have the time to actually play a DK there, volunteering instead to keep in touch through IRC or something, who create Horde characters just so they can keep tabs on you for the main body of griefers. The only things I see keeping this from being a reality are:
1. Someone willing to plan and organize an Anti-Sam guild, someone who is well known enough that people would centralize there
2. Enough people willing to take time from their raid/life schedules to make it work
3. More patience than a lot of players have
It might happen; if someone does create a guild, I vote for the Guildname "Rickshaw" as a testament to all that has gone on before now, concerning Sam. We could all RP going after Sam to confine him to the "Rickshaw"...wait no, that"s gay. I"ll go start a character now, and I"m curious if anyone will step up to the plate and get the ball rolling. I just don"t want the hassle organizing shit, been there done that.