Sam, wake up man. Seems the large scale multi boxers are messing up on the strengths of RAF.
Link all accounts 1- > 2 -> 3..... -> 30
Level all to 40; level first account to 60 then use the boost levels to get all your accounts to 60. Unless boosted levels chain (ie for every 2 levels you are boosted you also get a level to pass on) in which case you only need to level all to 30.
Alternatively ......
When you boost a level the boosted char keeps the % of their exp bar full that they had, So a 59.99 char getting boosted by a just dinged 60 goes to 60.99.
The effect of this is chars can boost nearly a full level beyond their own.
Now, if boosted levels chain on as previously questioned :
Level all chars to 30.99, or any amount short of next level that has an easy turn in or discovery xp short of the next level. Helps if XP scales (eg seasonal quests for all levels).
first char does turn in, becomes 30.01 boosts next char.
Next char becomes 31.99, does turn in becomes 32.01.
He boosts the third char which becomes 32.99, turns in becomes 33.01
etc etc
The extra level chains on down until you have a char at 60.99, do turn in and have a 61.01 character.
You can do this in a few days, even with 30 characters. If you"ve done this with trial referral accounts you can bin all except the lvl 61 character.
Then chain a whole load of chars from the lvl 61 account (not sure if you can refer levels once char is 61 - might have to stop at 59).and start over. Spend a few more days getting your new chars to 30 and gift levels so they all become 60/61.
This can be done, comfortably, in a week. 30 characters to lvl 60.
I haven"t tested this, its just my theory, but I believe it will work.