Sam DeathWalker said:
Im not the only one who has concluded that quests are a waste of time:
Northrend AOE grinding spot - General Discussion - Community Forum
The 4th field in WPL and this spot in EPL are the best old world spots:
Where is the best grinding spot at 60? - General Discussion - Community Forum
As you see I get 5K per pull (X 4 or 5 guys).
You are aware, I"m sure, that there weren"t "sweet spots" nonstop from 1-60. And, simply because you post the existence of two (I"m giving you that, for the argument, AFAIK those could be horrible spots), does not mean that "Quests are a waste of time".
Quests for example don"t use up rested XP, and that alone is nice. You could have rotated groups of 5, building up rest XP, and quest XP would push your saved rest XP further on. And we aren"t even talking RAF, just rested.
All the quest reward gear you"ve passed on up to this point, gear that normally is better than green world drops, reduces your speed and money made. Better gear should equate to better stats/HP/DPS, but have fun with gear that"s 5-10 levels below your characters. I mean, shit, you could just have all your "extra" characters w/o tradeskills do enchanting and nuke quest rewards you don"t want/need, but whatever.
I"d like to see someone come out and fight you for camps, a la EQ. I bet you"d be right fucked.
And the single biggest thing that hurts my mind, is that you draw such a distinction between grinding and questing, that it"s pitiful. Go do a quest, smoke mobs on the way. Shit, if you look up the quests, you can likely finish 5-6 quests at a time, running around, smoking camps as you move around. But, again, whatever. Keep being hardheaded and grind static. This, if anything, shows a stunning lack of skill on your part. You"ve gone to such incredible lengths to make boxing easier, that whenever you argue that "Quests aren"t good", it makes me think that you simply can"t grasp a way to integrate them well, or at all, into what someone might call your "Play-style".
Sam DeathWalker said:
Ill win sooner or later; is there a rush?
Like yesterday I spent 5 hours talking about computers and how wow calls up textures and 1/2 hour leveling. Of course Im slow.
First you theorycraft to no end about what is the best way to level via grinding, then you come with this shit. If you aren"t concerned with speed, then what in the hell is the point of you fiddlefucking with "Fastest Grind spots" and other retarded shit?
IMO, you"re just making excuses as to why you level so slow. And you aren"t winning, you"ve already lost. Anyone else, were they to embark on what you have, would be much farther along, and less full of fail, than you. You are simply going to slowboat to whatever the max level is once you finally get there (will 80 still be max? Possibly not), just like you did in EQ. And when you come back here, amongst other sites, claiming that you"ve "won" at WOW, everyone is going to laugh at you for being a loser, yet again. You keep asking "What"s the rush", and the thing is, it"s so fucking simple that I have a hard time believing you can"t grasp why. No one will be impressed if it takes you 2-5 times as long as it should to level, in fact, it will make you look like a retard.
Also what is the point of Northrend locations, when your fucking shamans are all 44/45/46 still?
To sum it all up, I think this pic represents your boxing to a T.