Honest to fuck Sam, there are dozens and dozens of different abilities and situations you aren"t considering.
I look forward to screenshots of the first time your Paladin gets Mind Controlled (think charm, except the opponent can use your abilities) or your toons all get feared, near a cliff or bridge. Of stories about how it takes you upwards of 20 minutes to get your toons back together when some of them get killed. Of easy kill after easy kill of your toons, while you are distracted dealing with your dead guys and running them back.
Some of us have genuinely tried to help you and give you advice. We"ve logged thousands and thousands of hours solo, boxing, doing open world and Arena PvP. You"d do well to start listening and encourage folk to give you more advice, instead of trying to counter everything with your theorycrafting, trying to prove why you are right and the people with masses of experience are wrong.
This isn"t EQ. The mechanics of this game bear next to zero resemblance to EQ. Everything has a counter. Every ability has a counter.The devs in this game, unlike EQ, have spent years balancing classes and abilities for PvP.
Above everything else, please, for strewth sake, stop boasting about how your 30-odd characters are going to rofl-stomp and gank single characters, for example at flight masters. For one thing, its so gimp its beyond belief. And for another it embodies every bad preconception non-boxers have against boxers.
Its taken literally years for boxers to find any acceptance in the gaming community and you come along with this camping solo players shit and set that back five years, because your proposing things which reinforce the preconceptions.