Sam DeathWalker said:
You guys can bable all you want but the simple fact is that I basically won EQ. I was killed 1000 times more in eQ then I have been in WoW and still basically won in the end. This guy is some amature ganker that wouldn"t last 2 days on the old SZ, the hardest server in any game to level up upon.
This is cake by comparison.
Professional means Ill put in way way more hours playing (i.e. 40 hours a week over the year) then you will. Amature is like 10-20 hours a week.
I have a life outside the game but because I already won at life I can play when I choose not when someone else chooses ....
i love how you put "basically" in there. You didn"t win anything jackass. You spent like 12 years sitting in your basement screwing ugly whores playing by yourself because nobody fucking liked you.
You"re old; You"re creepy as fuck; And the only thing you did win is a best case scenario of avoiding aids thus far.
Professional by any real definition does not mean playing more than someone in terms of hours. It means learning the trade you are interested in and becoming an expert in it. I dare say that your only real accomplishment in EQ was to become the biggest douche bag game wide. Seriously. Do you really sit here and fucking think you accomplished something????
We"ve looked at your Magelo gear for your characters and by any real stats comparisons to people past and present, your shit is lacking hardcore. Most of your guys are in either crafted items or bazaar bought which in EQ pretty much means jack shit. It means you never fucking touched even a 5th of any real content.
In terms of PVP your claim to fame was burst dps in EQ which amounting to you ganking either solo people or 1-2 man groups. Big FUCKING DEAL Sam. Against any raid force you were slow as fuck then and you are slow as fuck now. Video after video shows you getting raped by even the most mediocre of single player persons or groups both in EQ and WoW.
And now in WoW you are trying to prove once again just how much of a fucking total idiot you are. I mean really. You haven"t pioneered jack shit, your characters level slower than two old people fucking waiting to die on life support in some backwoods nursing home, and people prove to you over and over just how much of a stupid fuck you really are.
Your rebuttals are nothing short of weak pathetic attempts at grasping to something that you just aren"t fucking good at. Take my advice. Quit Online Gaming, move out of your parent"s basement, get a fucking tan, and stop fucking whores. Sooner or later your going to pickup a whore with some nasty disease whos going to do you in for good.