FLights method and mine are different; he dosn"t move a character from one account to another, nor does he just level up 2 characters to 60 ....
See this arguments:
Bonus level-grants from RAFing 3 or more accounts! - General Discussion - Community Forum
If you don"t post your knowledge anywhere then dont claim to "know it". Mine is the first post for a 1.42 efficieny with 2/7th (out of a 5 man group) of time spent 30-60.
No method posted in this thread or anywhere else beats that.
We been through the quest stuffs and I agree that instance boosting is the fastest leveling method, but I dont ahve a high level (well I have 64 now ...).
Probably a 3rd RAF starting from zero would be faster then leveling up my 44"s with 2X rested but I don"t feel like spending the money for just 15 levels ...
Right now I plan to get 3 more new accounts, daisy chain, move two existing 44"s to the 2nd to last account. Level up 2 zeros"s to 60, move an existing 20 to the 3rd to last account and get 6 level 60s out of the deal (might have to level the 20 to 30 first though).
44existing - 20 - 60(30).44.44 - 60 (30)
Its getting complicated heh...
I can change programs written in lua to suit my purposes, and I can make macros on my main, and send them all to my other 30 or whatever and they all work ....
Ya "autoinvite" but can that drop you out of raid into 6 groups or whatever really fast? Guess Ill play around with it.
Again Prepared is my only real compeition and he dosnt seem to be moving to fast anymore.