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fixed.tikkus said:This thread gets more and more hilarious (and sad) by the day.
I"m waiting for cognitive dissonance to set in so Sam can realize he"s going to do nothing meaningful in life.
I believe it was determined that Sam was sharing the crack whores with him, the supply must have ended.Laven said:Did sam stop letting you suck his dick?!
Fixed that for ya.Foler said:Just found out I got HIV from Sam at his wild party, so he"s not on good terms with me. None the less he"s still gonna ram DA FUCKIN Backdoor of my meaty manhood later.
What good is having that flight path going to do your level 10? It"s going to take you at least a year to level them up to 60 and then what? You"re running around in zones pretty much dead empty by everyone else. You do know that Flight paths are pretty much defunct for any place old world right? Both Shattrah and Dalaran have portals to each major city.Sam DeathWalker said:Got the Area 52 flight path for my level 10"s tonight heh.
Level 10"s in a level 65 zone are going to die a few times .... my other guys don"t die its the level 10"s cause the mobs go stright for them. But I got to where i needed to go. Missed the falcon flight path but got all the others to Area 52.
Pal hit 66.
Slow but sure.
This is what aoe pulling is.Sam DeathWalker said:You guys are just dumb.
I kill the highest level mobs I can aoe pull and kill fast,
First, do you really think people heredon"t know about AE grinding?That people need you (of all people!) to tell us that mages have AEs, and Ae grind? FFS, Sam, you sound like a putz by acting like people don"t know. Thanks FOR THE SECWET INFOZ, Sam!Sam DeathWalker said:Just think of it aoe soloing, like mages do. TONS AND TONS of mages (and pals) AOE grind, its a very common and accepted method of leveling.
So it"s faster than everyone else who can get characters from 1-60 in one or two days (played) with RAF? How long will it take you to get your lowbies to 60, Sam? Seriously, give me an estimate. 1 week? Two? A month?Sam DeathWalker said:Its by far the most efficient leveling method.
Sometimes I forget how far behind you truly are. Why don"t you ever play a game when it is current? I"m not even trying to bust on you here, I"m genuinely curious. Anyway, that video was made outside Black Temple.Sam DeathWalker said:Ya he said something about his 4 guys under level 65 against me, seems fair enough, although it should be one person controling all 4 but seeing its only 4 ...
Its not how fast the lowbies get higher, its how much exp per minute I kill, the exp goes someplace. What I want to do is maximize the TOTAL exp I get from kills per hour. Who cares if it goes to the highers or lowers?
I pulled BOTH the north side and south side of PoN when I was shakerpaging aoe in EQ. That takes a LOT of skill.
Where is that Paliden at in the video? I can"t see hardly anything but ya killing 40 mobs at one time is the kind of aoe I am looking to do.
Where the fuck is the audioglostylez said:Sometimes I forget how far behind you truly are. Why don"t you ever play a game when it is current? I"m not even trying to bust on you here, I"m genuinely curious. Anyway, that video was made outside Black Temple.