Sam DeathWalker said:
Im not going into any instances that are under 25 man; and I cant get into any of those untill the shaman hit 50.
Also I dont remember but I bet that Pal in the video didnt also get the 50K mob. And ya maybe a healer and tank could do him, but not him and the other 20 mobs that I killed with him.....
So its just not him its him and 20 5-6Khp mobs.
You can"t possibly have an idea of how ridiculously retarded you sound. You are talking about 2 year old solo content you fucktard. It was only interesting when the pally did it because he was doing it at level and pulling the entire area in one pull. If you could do that you would get a "grats, you are two years late".
You really don"t seem to get it, you are never going to do anything that hasn"t been done, you aren"t going to impress anyone with your pile of gimps. The few people that give you any props at all are just as retarded as you are, they either don"t play the game or play it very badly to be impressed by anything you have done so far.
Hatorade pretty much summed it up, this thread is beyond sad.
I"ve told you before that you are too stupid to insult but I think you may have thought I was just being silly. I mean it man, you truly are too stupid to insult. To have a large group of people tell you for years how bad you are on a daily basis and you just don"t get it.
I"ll sum up this thread and every thread that has ever been or ever will be about you.
1. You did nothing in EQ.
2. You have done nothing in WoW.
3. You are a giant douche bag like attention whore.
4. You are too fucking stupid to realize any of this as truth.
Currently you are a bigass clown, if you ever want to learn how to play the game you hope to some day be good at you should try playing it. Forget about the "look at me look at me" bullshit and learn how to play, then go from there.