Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

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Sam DeathWalker said:
Dude $5000 each for those .... some people have more money then sense

You only have 2 you are using for game; I use all 6. They are nice but my 6 have more computing power then yur 2.

Sure must be nice to be so poor that you only have one property to take care of.....

Well you beat me on the masters degrees but that just means yur to stupid to teach yourself. My IQ is 144.

And with all this money (lol chump change to the MIGHTY DEATHWALKER) and so call brains (ya yur 25 years old, so you started learning valuable information at 15 at best so you have 10 years of knowledge. I have 40 ....) you run what ONE character LOL.

Read this and search for "side quest":

Death knight quests - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

Man you Turkeys must think its thanksgiving or something.
I"m 34 now jackass. Happily married and successful. You had to be given a business by your parents and lets be honest, you rent to mexicans. They will buy anything from anyone because they are used to living on less for more people. I built my company from the ground up and you know what? It"s recession proof. While people like you sell to impoverished people who don"t know any better and are willing to put up with Slumlords like yourself my clients are hand selected and get more than what they pay for.

Yes i have 1 house, its 7400 sq ft. It has no mortgage, its paid for. Can you say the same about your slum properties?

As to being to stupid to teach myself.... What school did you go to with that 144 IQ there bud? A person with that high of an IQ isn"t going to post here with post after post of grammatical and spelling errors and absolutely would have a larger grasp on such a simple concept as playing a MMORPG. If you are going to pull bullshit numbers out of your drug induced mind at least make it fucking believable. Also if you were as smart as you say you are you would know that statistically the chances of you catching a disease from one of your 408 hooker encounters is quite high. If i were you i would be testing for AIDS or at the very least herpes. I have heard that certain types of herpes can have an effect on the logical center of a human"s brain.

Is that your excuse?

As to your statement about your computers being more powerful that you use 6.... I am just going to lol.

Post a real benchmark evaluation of those computers. Better yet, lets make it a competition. Ever heard of folding@home? I am sure most if not everyone has. Lets put 1 of my workstations up against all 6 of yours. I can pretty much guarantee that just one of my workstations has more than 3 times the computing power and presence of 6 of yours.

Asshat. Post some more. I need more entertainment.


Quineloe said:
Now you"re bragging with how much money you have. Can it get any more pathetic?
He quoted me sir, Improperly of course. I am just showing that his money does not make him better. Just because he has it doesn"t mean that someone will outskill or outclass him at something else. That is of course what Sam really needs to learn but at this point i suspect that he is fully gone. There is no way one person can be this blind.


nah, it was more of a sam if you actually have a 144 IQ, you can apply for membership into these guys, but since your a fucktard, you cant.

anyone who"s tested their IQ before knows of atleast the 3 large societies (Mensa 98%, Trip9 at 99.9% and mega society 99.999%)


Belefuu said:
Holy God, 74 deaths in the DK intro quests!?!? THERE is your WoW world first Sam!!! I"m pretty sure nobody else in all of WoW is able to die 74 times in the DK intro quests, if so prove with link or video. My 67 DK, whom I"ve sank less than a day of extremely casual playing time into to get to that level by the way, only has 22 TOTAL deaths. And honestly, that"s probably not even that low for a 67 DK. You nearly quadrupled that in the intro quests alone, where they give you tons of gear that"s way better than the average level 55 will have leveling up the first time and the NPCs heal you and give you buffs and pretty much won"t even LET you die.
I didn["t delve too far into his armory(I really couldn"t stop laughing when I saw the 88 hks in a year) but that is an amazing find!

I have done the dk starting quests 4 times, solo and 3 times boxing and I have never seen a way do to die except when trying to box the vehicle quest with the dragons toward the end. The only reason for dying on them was to make it quicker to get credit 5 boxing and that was a single time.

Once again I wish they would fix my account so I could rep you for that post. What is the deal with rep on this board? A couple people have told me they wish they could rep me more and a couple more posted saying they had to spread some rep around before they could give me more. That seems a bit odd, what if you don"t see any other posts worthy of repping, you can"t ever give out rep again?

Not trying to rock the boat but I really wish my account could be fixed


I didn"t read everything that has been posted today but it seems there is a hardware discussion going on. I am a hardware boxer with a separate machine for each of my 5 clients. Not counting my laptop which is a business expense and something I have had sitting around for years I have $400 bucks invested in the rest.

Spending a load of cash to run a big group of gimp characters is not any type of meaningful accomplishment, I have met some brain dead individuals that know exactly how to operate a credit card. Given a little time I could build a boxing setup out of garbage my neighbors throw away and still rock this Sam guy.

I grew bored playing wow long ago and quit a couple times. If I hadn"t wanted to try doing 5 man content in BC I probably wouldn"t have come back. If anyone wants to try 2 or 5 boxing wow I would be happy to help find some affordable hardware and show you some free software solutions.


glostylez said:
I didn"t read everything that has been posted today but it seems there is a hardware discussion going on. I am a hardware boxer with a separate machine for each of my 5 clients. Not counting my laptop which is a business expense and something I have had sitting around for years I have $400 bucks invested in the rest.

Spending a load of cash to run a big group of gimp characters is not any type of meaningful accomplishment, I have met some brain dead individuals that know exactly how to operate a credit card. Given a little time I could build a boxing setup out of garbage my neighbors throw away and still rock this Sam guy.

I grew bored playing wow long ago and quit a couple times. If I hadn"t wanted to try doing 5 man content in BC I probably wouldn"t have come back. If anyone wants to try 2 or 5 boxing wow I would be happy to help find some affordable hardware and show you some free software solutions.
I"m right there with ya Ghost. Sam is trying to make a big deal that i only run 1 character when in reality if he actually knew me he would know i run 3 currently.

Like many though there are things i have to learn about multiboxing. Learning from Sam isn"t an option because a lot of what he does just goes way beyond any logical thought process.

The only problem i have had is keeping characters syncronized across my machines. How do you accomplish it as well as you have? It seems like you don"t even have trouble flying.


Yari_Arkanum said:
I"m right there with ya Ghost. Sam is trying to make a big deal that i only run 1 character when in reality if he actually knew me he would know i run 3 currently.

Like many though there are things i have to learn about multiboxing. Learning from Sam isn"t an option because a lot of what he does just goes way beyond any logical thought process.

The only problem i have had is keeping characters syncronized across my machines. How do you accomplish it as well as you have? It seems like you don"t even have trouble flying.
If you ever played the game at the level cap(especially vanilla, early BC) you know more then Sam will ever know at this game. To him it is all fresh and new, he doesn"t realize this game has been dying at a rapid rate since a few months after BC. You are quite a bit ahead of anything he will ever do just playing one character at a time.

If you haven seperate machines all it takes is a single core pent with a couple gig of ram to run wow smooth on the lowest settings. I haven"t spent more then 50 bucks on any one of these
machines. These boxes are capable or running two clients each in all but the laggiest spots (dal and wg)


Molten Core Raider
Sam DeathWalker said:
A yet with all this bable I did in fact win EQ when I quit

And yet, here is you getting torn to pieces like a n00b on The Steel Warrior, shortly before you gave up EQ.

Level 76
Class Warrior
Race Dark Elf
Deity Innoruuk
Guild The Death Walker Empire
Server Zek (PVP)
Experience Level 76

47% to Level 77
Hit Points 13,672 | 19,259
Mana 0 | 0
Endurance 10,226 | 10,814
Armor Class 2,234 | 2,345
Attack 2,005 | 2,501

STR 485 | 505 Poison 362 | 367
STA 425 | 452 Magic 440 | 520
AGI 412 | 412 Disease 300 | 305
DEX 331 | 505 Fire 378 | 383
WIS 386 | 393 Cold 392 | 397
INT 402 | 409 Corruption 15 | 15
CHA 335 | 387

Total Time Played 280 days 12 hours 20 minutes
Last Online Jan 27 2008
Profile Updated Jan 27 2008

2300-2400 AC ??? For fuck sake. That"s end game Planes of Power - that"s 2002.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
8/17, I"m not sure what gift would be appropriate for Sam, maybe safety scissors? A sippy cup, so he doesn"t spill his geritol while he"s afk and rubbing one out? Some Grecian formula?

I considered challenging Sam, to leveling ONLY his 3 lowbies to 60 by his birthday, but I don"t see the point. He ignores points he can"t refute, and pretty much doesn"t want to be challenged in respect to leveling time.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Ok I looked up the DK (samdeathwddf)

It says 98 deaths is 5 man dungons and I never been in one, and I have died many times out in the open, and it shows no deaths except in dungons.

Its just plain wrong.
This is not wrong, just like how you claimed Titanpanels xp per hour was wrong on your bar, you cant hide facts and right there proves just how much you suck and will fail if you ever attempt any up to date 5/10/25mans.
It clearly wrong it show ZERO deaths outside of instances, Iv died tons of times to mobs. I dont do instances .... why would I pay for 36 accounts and pay for 6.

This is the thread where I won EQ:

How Hardcore EQ are you?

Like I say 13 wizards with 5 clerics will destroy anyone. Dont even need the warrior. That thread was sticky at the official forums for months. I didn"t say that I won 6 months before I won because of my warrior; I said I won when all my wizards hit 75 or higher.

My IQ is 144 on a mensa supervised california standard aptitude test. And they invited me to be a member but I delcined not seeing what I was getting for my $25.

If you want to learn about hardware multiboxing go here:

Hardware Tools - Community Forum

and search the forum for "deathwalker" if you want to read the best stuffs.

You will note I have to type 30 erudite elucidations to conter one of you turkeys unitelligentable gobbles and/or ludercous drivil so I dont spell check or grammer check or typo check.

You can rep someone more then once? LoL.

Also if you were as smart as you say you are you would know that statistically the chances of you catching a disease from one of your 408 hooker encounters is quite high. If i were you i would be testing for AIDS or at the very least herpes. I have heard that certain types of herpes can have an effect on the logical center of a human"s brain.
I get tested every 6 months and am hiv negitive. Im not worried cause I use a rubber and, unlike most of you, Im large enough so it actually stays on the whole hour to two hours.

My computers are made for WoW, not folding. I get 15-20 fps with most options off at 1280X960 while running SEVEN clients. If you have more computing power then mine then you should be able to run 35 clients on your machine at the same resolution and fps.
First sencence should read:

Why pay for 36 accounts and only play 5?

Here is my EQ win:

Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonflames hit a Blackwater resident for 8920 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonflare hit a Blackwater resident for 8408 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Samadvancer hit a Blackwater resident for 10726 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] a Blackwater lookout was hit by non-melee for 34 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater lookout was pierced by thorns.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater lookout pierces YOU for 580 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater lookout tries to pierce YOU, but misses!
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] a Blackwater lookout was hit by non-melee for 34 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater lookout was pierced by thorns.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater lookout punches YOU for 1069 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Samfinancer hit a Blackwater resident for 8532 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Samromancer hit a Blackwater resident for 8920 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonsfires hit a Blackwater resident for 9870 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] You slash a Blackwater resident for 198 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] You slash a Blackwater resident for 253 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] You slash a Blackwater resident for 168 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonwind hit a Blackwater resident for 7677 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonblaze hit a Blackwater resident for 8286 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonflood hit a Blackwater resident for 8043 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonstorms hit a Blackwater resident for 9884 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] You cannot see your target.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Samdancer hit a Blackwater resident for 9455 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragonswarm hit a Blackwater resident for 7385 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] Dragongale hit a Blackwater resident for 9141 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jul 17 02:46:18 2008] A Blackwater resident"s body is consumed in ghostly flames.

13 x 7K damage outside of pvp. What character can take even 1/2 of that at level 80. Crits cancel resists and I get one manaburn in pvp also. Thats not to mention what the chanter, shaman, warrior, bard, ranger and mage are doing to you at the same time.


My 1 system costs more then both of your guys setups ;p But this is probably due more to my 50" monitor and not the basic hardware in the PC, but its fun to just sit back on the couch and play, use the laptop to check the interwebz.