Goltez I can"t come up with a way to say it simpler.
Ok look a nine year old clearly is to young to concent to sex and to young to be charged with murder. Why because they are plain to stupid to be held responsible for either.
A 18 year old is old enough to be charged with murder or any crime because they are smart enough to know what they are doing. They are also smart enough to concent to sex.
In between 9 and 18 there is a resonable age where you turn from being to stupid to do anything to being smart enough to be held responsible for your actions.
My position is that that resonable age is the same. You become smart enough to both be charged with a crime and consent to sex becuase you are a resonable age.
My position is that it is wrong to charge a 15 year old male with murder because he is smart enought o know what he is doing but not allow him to consent to sex.
Lets put it a bit different.
If a 15 year old female is to nieve or stupid to concent to sex can you charge her with a sex crime for having sex with an 11 year old boy?