Sam, I"ve known much of whats been posted for well over a year (nearly 2). It"s funny what some bored googling will turn up. For much of that time, I had the opportunity to post it, but I held back on it. For one, I originally thought you were simply a goofball, an odd duck. But eventually I came to realize some really basic things about you. For one, you have no moral compass. You can"t (or won"t) grasp or accept very basic concepts, that are really ones that 8th graders can grasp. Second, you brag about prostitution openly on the internet. NM all the sexual predators that prowl the internets, or the ones that hunt for children in games like WOW. Should we trust you, when you brag about having 400+ prostitutes? Given that you feel the current laws are unjust, would you still sleep with 14 or 15 year olds, would the law allow it? It"s akin to the old definition of "Integrity". Would you steal, if you knew you would get away with it and no one would know? Would you engage in prostitution? Would you again commit rape, even statutory rape, if you thought you would get away with it and no one would know? And to think that you consider yourself an adult, when you come off as a mentally immature man-child.
That alone, in my mind, was the justification to post what I did. You are a convicted sexual predator who is unapologetic, and it seems as though you have not learned from your experience nor have you grown wise with age since then. You post your personal information on the web, and it would be easy for a child to call you. You post pictures of your whores, which doesn"t help your case. You rail against the rule of law, not because I think you believe them to be unjust in principle, but rather because they hampered how you felt you should be able to live your life, after which you attempt to piece together a defense in order to justify your stances that run counter to law and societal norms. I would imagine any judge who has dealt with you in the past, would actually be furious after reading your writings on the internet - you are not rehabilitated, you are not repentant. It shouldn"t be surprising, then, that you continue to openly flaunt the law, in the sexual arena in regards to prostitution, no less.
In truth, many people have been convicted of statutory rape, but they didn"t pay the women thereby assisting them in being child prostitutes. Nor did they run other unsavory business practices which operated on the edge of legality, as you have done. What is sad, Sam, is that you likely will not be able to grasp my next point:
You have done more harm to yourself in this thread by defending actions which are indefensible in the eyes of most people, than anything anyone could have posted, could have possibly done. Had you simply said"Yeah, I wish you hadn"t posted that, but it was a long time ago and I"ve paid my debt to society. I wish I could do it over again, differently, I swear"I don"t think people would have thought nearly as badly of you as they do now. It was your no-holds-barred, retard logic self-justification that sent everyone into rage-mode, and your continuing defense of yourself simply makes you look more and more LIKE a predator, or pimp, or john to everyone else.
All this, and more, makes me glad I posted it. You don"t feel you did anything wrong, and as such I wouldn"t trust you alone with a 15yo again. You are on the internet with access to millions, and you are unwilling to change. Were I to see a headline with your picture underneath, that read "Man has sex with underage harem, claims he gave them what they wanted", I wouldn"t be surprised. You didn"t have the decency to PM me about the pics, like most logical people would have done - instead you took the opportunity to argue non-arguments, and in the process give us insight to a sick mind. I really think you relish the attention, even though it is attention of the most undesirable sort. I"ll change my avatar in a second, but the Megan"s law pic I cannot change, and GL trying to get the mods to take it down. I imagine it is quite possible they might leave it up, as a warning to all of the gaming community, to avoid you, particularly in regards to coming to San Jose for slumber parties or ice-cream socials. It would be appropriate for the pic to remain, in a thread in which you sought to inflate your ego to gigantic proportions, as a glaring warning sign to all who see it.
"Danger, here be monsters"
It was never about the gaming, Sam. You never got that. It was how your addled mind argues, how you see the world. Your minds-eye is warped, and your view of reality and the world around you is frightening. You have little or no concept of fair, or just, or right, or wrong, or good, or bad or even evil. From what I"ve seen, it is simply"What Sam wants"versus"everyone else, aka "the Haters"". Logic and debate is impossible with you, because they are simply tools that you use to justify your actions and thinking, and you twist them so far in using them that they are unrecognizable to everyone else. People cannot debate with you, not because you are intelligent or that your arguments win out in the end, but rather because you refuse to find common ground from which to arguefrom, and as such neither side can come to terms with the other. I"m not hating on you here when I say this Sam - please, seek out help, therapy, anything along those lines. I don"t hate you, and I seriously hope you can get help, because you need it in spades.
I"ll take a break, you take one too. Go play WOW, and think about things. Feel free to come back and post a new thread after awhile (I know you will), and I imagine it will be more of your bragging, with more flaming from the community here. Feel free to PM me, though I don"t think you will.
My only question at this point, Sam, was did you ever apologize to the girls, or to any of the women? I"ll understand if you don"t think you need to, that would follow with everything else that"s been said so far, but I would find that sad.