Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

Sam DeathWalker said:
...this is my first 4 hours at this camp, lets see how I am doing in a week or two weeks.

WEEEEKS in SMV for leveling in outlands.

omfg I almost shit my pants on that one.

I can"t even complete all the quests in a Northrend zone before I out level the place with heirloom shoulders.

You fail so hard at this game and what is so amazing, is you honestly have no fucking clue how easy and fast it is to level because you do it completely assed backwards.

I honestly thought you could never level slower than you already did, then you added level 10"s that eat exp.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Same reason the Pally in that video is aoe grinding instead of questing .....

I am killing 18 mobs that give 600exp unmodified every say 15 mintues at max. Forget titan panel, because it dosnt show the mobs that the pally doesnt kill.

Lets say I am getting 800 exp a minute unmodified, but 1600 rested and 2400 with raf, but that is for all 36 guys total, not each guy. Multiply those figures by 1.4 for the group bonus also, now do your calculations.

Also this is my first 4 hours at this camp, lets see how I am doing in a week or two weeks.
If I didn"t know for sure that you are close to being legally retarded I would swear you are the best troll in the history of the internet.


Sam DeathWalker said:
I spend 4 hours or so trying to kill Aldor guards to raise my Scyer faction on my lowbies to get the flight path (lol failboat there)
gotta love anyone who spends 4 hours before realizing they are getting no rep or xp


Instead of just calling you an idiot I have decided to point out a couple very obvious reasons that someone reading your post might assume that you are one.

Sam DeathWalker said:
Same reason the Pally in that video is aoe grinding instead of questing .....
You are slow Sam, we get it, you do NOT have to continually bash the internet over the head with it. Everyone knows.

I know you watched that video a few(hundred?) times, probably masturbating thinking about all the grinding you were going to do. You never noticed he wasn"t getting any XP? That is a geared out pally at level 70 which was the level cap when the video was made. He made the video just to show a pally tanking a bunch of mobs, it"s not a secret leveling strat.

I am killing 18 mobs that give 600exp unmodified every say 15 mintues at max. Forget titan panel, because it dosnt show the mobs that the pally doesnt kill.

Lets say I am getting 800 exp a minute unmodified, but 1600 rested and 2400 with raf, but that is for all 36 guys total, not each guy. Multiply those figures by 1.4 for the group bonus also, now do your calculations.
That"s not really how you figure your xp rate. You are actually grinding these mobs so you don"t have to theorycraft and play with the numbers, all you have to do is write down your xp, a couple hours later check the difference. Or you could take 10 seconds to install an addon to do it for you. You would think being a lua programmer and addon enthusiast that we wouldn"t have to point that out to you.

Also this is my first 4 hours at this camp, lets see how I am doing in a week or two weeks.
I really don"t even know what to say here. You are truly too stupid to insult.


Doligan said:
Assuming you grind 8 hours a day, 5 days a week(equivalent to a real job) maintaining that rate over the 8 hours, we could expect you to be 80 on your paladin by about December 11.
Noooo, no no no no.

Don"t be bringing December 11 into this shit.

I don"t want a blight on my birthday by being linked to this retardation.
Well you lose faction with aldor (125) if you kill a guard. Generally you gain with oppiste faction when you lose with one, but in this case you dont. Those guards are not easy to kill as they swarm you, pulling one is not so easy.

All you guys do is spew forth yur general drivil with not the slighest math to support anything you say.

I guess that Pally in teh video was "retarded" for aoe grinding instead of questing. Why not post on you tube how stupid he is.

Oh and tell the people who wrote these 200,000 pages they are all retarded cause they are not questing:

pally aoe grinding - Google Search

Oh and tell these 1 million pages they are all stupid cause they don"t quest;

mage aoe grinding - Google Search

Lets see believe you guys or those 1.2 million pages hummm ....


Cascow said:
Noooo, no no no no.

Don"t be bringing December 11 into this shit.

I don"t want a blight on my birthday by being linked to this retardation.
How many hookers do you think he"ll batphone when he hits 80?


Sam DeathWalker said:
Same reason the Pally in that video is aoe grinding instead of questing .....

I am killing 18 mobs that give 600exp unmodified every say 15 mintues at max. Forget titan panel, because it dosnt show the mobs that the pally doesnt kill.

Lets say I am getting 800 exp a minute unmodified, but 1600 rested and 2400 with raf, but that is for all 36 guys total, not each guy. Multiply those figures by 1.4 for the group bonus also, now do your calculations.

Also this is my first 4 hours at this camp, lets see how I am doing in a week or two weeks.
Hey asshat, that guy in the video (i didnt watch) but im most likely going to assume was grinding tokens or just proving a point.

dumb fuck, anyone with a fucking brain knows questing is the fastest way to level


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
This aoe spot isn"t for leveling, it"s to grind faction and tomes for shoulder enchants (I got two characters to exalted from farming that shit). It"s also a decent source of greens for disenchant. Assuming you do the 40 mob pull thing every respawn.

It fucking blow chunks for xp. I tried power leveling my druid there with my paladin aoe"ing everything, and the xp rate was terrible. Turned out much better to just quest.

This is the thing, with so many characters, you get fuck all for xp from killing mobs, whereas they"d get full xp from quests. The more characters you have, the better quests are on a xp/hour standpoint. You got the whole thing so backward it"s mind boggling.