Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

And rest assured if I "stalking" near any school i would be arrested in seconds but as I say I have no intent to violate the law so ....

Well at least the dull factor of the thread is going down.


Sam DeathWalker said:
You do better stickikng to cognative arguements; which you won me over with and not your pre-schooler insults.

The difference between you and me is that I admit when I am wrong. You dont seem to want to admit that a 15 year old is an addolecent and not a child.
The problem is you"re to ignorant to comprehend the fact that you"re more often then not quite wrong. Especially when you think having sex with a child is ok, let alone a drug addicted child.

In other words, you"re a sex offender. Not only according to the state of California but anyone that wasn"t raised in a barn.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Sam DeathWalker said:
What I"m saying is that a 15 year old human being does not possess the cognitive ability to make choices that have long-term effects on their life, especially ones dealing with emotional trauma.

I agree they stress short term advantage over long term advantage. And your point is?

As stated in my case the female gained short term rewards without the long term disadvantages of pregnacy or STD.

Why because even though she wasn"t thinking long term, I was.

I am responding to your claim I had sex with a child the correct statement is

"You had sex with an addolencent".
Why is in your case of child molestation, you consistently ignore all psychological issues. Why do refuse to acknowledge how risky being an underage, drug addicted, prostitute is? Do I really need to look up and post the stats on things someone who fits that label are at risk for compared to the general population? Why can"t you accept the fact that by fostering these behaviors in her, YOU put her at greater risk?

You could have said no, I won"t let you blow me for money little girl and went on your merry way never to see her again. You could have helped her. You could have giving her aid in getting off drugs. You could have help sway her from the life of an underage prostitute. You could have been a huge positive factor for this little girl and really improved her life.

Faced with all these options, what does Sam "DA MAN" Ferris choose to do? He chooses to completely ignore all the risks and dangers facing this poor girl and instead to compound her negative situation simply so he can get his rocks off. No concern for her, no concern for her future. Not even any concern for your own fucking future. The only thing that came across your mind when you encountered this lost, downtrodden soul is "how can I benefit?". The only thing you had concern for was your own immediate needs. Just like a fucking child. Just like the child you took advantage of. Just like the child you molested.

You are sick. Get fucked.
Well time to watch SIX adult porno movies on my SIX computer systems and SIX monitors at the same time. At least all that money spent on WoW has some other uses.

Have to work tommor but Ill come back tommorow night, its good for soul to come down to earth once in awhile and rub elbows with the common Turkeys before soaring back up into the heavens like the Eagle I am.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Finding a Therapist, Psychotherapist, Counselor, "Shrink" -- a Head-Cleaners" Shrink Rap Article

And another victim of DeathWalker"s vast intellectual superiority degenerates into mindless insults.

Its lonely being the only Eagle amoungst Turkeys.
Is this where you post something "shocking" because you start to taste that bile like feeling in the back of your throat as the anxiety starts to seep in as you realize that the attention is slipping from you and absent that you"ll be left alone, to face the sadness of what you really are, much like those first few nights in jail?

I suspect your delusions were first generated in jail as a defense mechanism and self justificatory response.
Why do refuse to acknowledge how risky being an underage, drug addicted, prostitute is?

Ya maybe with guys like you it dangerous, with me there is no danger. Thats yet another argument in favor of limiting those with IQ"s less then mine from engaging in sex.

I benifited and she benifited; if I wasn"t arrested and she stayed with me I might of had time to get her off drugs but the laws cut me short. If I had said no she would have went to another less safe; exactly as she did after my arrest. Where were the police to get her off drugs after they got her to testify against me? Where were the police to stop her from getting knocked up after they arrested her? They used her to get a prosecution against me and then tossed her away like garbage when she was no longer any use to them.


Okay, guys.


Fuck this fucking thread. I pray to whoever may listen that Sam is trolling the everloving shit out of this board, because him being serious scares me.


Sam DeathWalker said:
I benifited and she benifited; if I wasn"t arrested and she stayed with me I might of had time to get her off drugs but the laws cut me short. If I had said no she would have went to another less safe; exactly as she did after my arrest. Where were the police to get her off drugs after they got her to testify against me? Where were the police to stop her from getting knocked up after they arrested her? They used her to get a prosecution against me and then tossed her away like garbage when she was no longer any use to them.
Yea, you"re a great influence Sam, paying children for sex. Damn those cops for taking away a pedophile from a child!
I belive, and am not sure, that they DROPPED the drug charges against her if she would testify against me, because she would not have unless put under duress.

By dropping the drug charges she didnt then get into the system to get the help she needs to get off drugs (assuming their programs work which is questionable).

OR they did charge her with drugs; she went into the system and got out in the same shape, and got knocked up.

Smooth move taking the safe anti pregnacy anti drug guy out of her life and putting in ummm well nothing so she goes to another who knocks her up.
Yea, you"re a great influence Sam, paying children for sex. Damn those cops for taking away a pedophile from a child!

The results speak for themselves, the cops used her to prosecute me and tossed her like garbage when she was no longer usefull to them. Did they get her off drugs. Nope. Did they stop her from becomeing pregnant. Nope. All they did was insure their job security.


Wow, really creepy shit goin on in this thread.

Paying for a bj from a 15 year old is not normal, but on meth it is.

You probably peddle meth, and just cuz you say you don"t does not make it untrue.
So the cops are arresting childern for using drugs?


Strip seaching Childern?

The cops are putting childern in Juvinall Hall? Dang. WoW.

Putting a CHILD in Juvinall Hall in handcuffs and under arrest and strip searching a CHILD. OMG.

They arrested a 14 year old CHILD and charged her with MURDER.

Charging a CHILD a CHILD with MURDER. NOo0oooo....

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Sam DeathWalker said:
Why do refuse to acknowledge how risky being an underage, drug addicted, prostitute is?

Ya maybe with guys like you it dangerous, with me there is no danger. Thats yet another argument in favor of limiting those with IQ"s less then mine from engaging in sex.

I benifited and she benifited; if I wasn"t arrested and she stayed with me I might of had time to get her off drugs but the laws cut me short. If I had said no she would have went to another less safe; exactly as she did after my arrest. Where were the police to get her off drugs after they got her to testify against me? Where were the police to stop her from getting knocked up after they arrested her? They used her to get a prosecution against me and then tossed her away like garbage when she was no longer any use to them.

Secondly, only someone as mentally fucked as you could possibly spin paying a 15 year old drug addict for sexual favors as not only not a bad things, but a POSITIVE thing for her and society. You have no less than 3 serious mental disorders.

You are a sick fucking man Sam. You clearly have no consideration for anyone but yourself. You would have NEVER gotten her off drugs had you not been (rightfully)arrested. And you especially NEVER would have gotten her to stop being a prostitute. I mean, what could doing those two things possibly have gotten you? How could YOU have benefited from doing that? A meaningful relationship and strong emotional bond with another human being? That kind of thing is useless to you Sam. You are incapable of experiencing a meaningful relationship. You are incapable of describing a relationship with a female as anything but a business transaction whether they be someone"s wife, girlfriend, an acquaintance, a stranger at a bar, or a hooker who"s pussy you are eating in hopes she"ll knock a couple bucks off her price. To you, the only thing that matters when it comes to women is the time and money spent in order to get sex.

This is FUCKING SAD Sam. Like heart breakingly depressing that someone would live like this. All you care about is YOU and YOUR immediate needs. You are pathetic man who would deserving of all the pity I can possibly muster were not such a fucking sick, unrepentant, degenerate at the same time. If you absolutely refuse to get the psychological help you SO CLEARLY NEED, then please, PLEASE, for the good of human society, get it by a god damn bus. Repeatedly if at all possible.
You probably peddle meth, and just cuz you say you don"t does not make it untrue.

I said it wasnt meth or coke.

And because you say you are not a child molester that dosnt make it true.

So now the insult dejour is

Ur a "Meth peddling Child Pedo Molestor umm oh KEYBOARD TURNER"
You would have NEVER gotten her off drugs had you not been (rightfully)arrested.

Why do you say that? I talked her against using them at every oppotunity. Maybe I would not have been sucessfull but it would not be fore lack of trying.