Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW


Sam DeathWalker said:
meth head on the side

I dont take drugs and she didn"t take meth.
Or you were both taking meth and it has so fucked your brain over the years that you can"t possibly remember correctly.

I"ll go with that.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Sam DeathWalker said:
You would have NEVER gotten her off drugs had you not been (rightfully)arrested.

Why do you say that? I talked her against using them at every oppotunity. Maybe I would not have been sucessfull but it would not be fore lack of trying.
Why in the fuck do you refuse to use the quote button? Just answer me that. It can"t possibly be that you don"t understand how it works. That would just be the cherry on top of the sad, pathetic pile of fail that you are.
All you care about is YOU and YOUR immediate needs

I care about her constitutional right to do with her body as she sees fit. Even assuming she makes decisions based upon her short term gain, those are HER decisions to make and not yours or mine.

And I care about society in the future by supporting passing a law that would only allow those with IQ equal or greater then mine to reproduce so that stupid people like you don"t.
Why in the fuck do you refuse to use the quote button

Because I assume you can read a sentence and recognize its not my argument without indentantions. Or am I overestimating yur intelligence?


Sam DeathWalker said:
I care about her constitutional right to do with her body as she sees fit.
Of course you do. All drug dealers care about their methed out 15 year old friends and their "constitutional" rights to suck you off, you sick fuck.
Or you were both taking meth and it has so fucked your brain over the years that you can"t possibly remember correctly.

I"ll go with that.

Iv never been arrested for drugs and passed two period of probabtion (like 4 years total) and 3 years in jail worth of tests.

Meth is bad news. But she didnt take meth.
Of course you do. All drug dealers care about their methed out 15 year old friends and their "constitutional" rights to suck you off, you sick fuck.

Another victim of DeathWalker"s magnificent intellectual prowess degenerats into mindless babbiling insults.

Im not a meth dealer, she wasn"t a meth addict. Go look at the Megan"s Law data base and discuss the charges against me you see there.


The Big Mod
if she was sexy enough i"d let a 15 year old slob my knob, but i def wouldn"t pay for it.

real talk.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Sam DeathWalker said:
All you care about is YOU and YOUR immediate needs

I care about her constitutional right to do with her body as she sees fit. Even assuming she makes decisions based upon her short term gain, those are HER decisions to make and not yours or mine.

And I care about society in the future by supporting passing a law that would only allow those with IQ equal or greater then mine to reproduce so that stupid people like you don"t.
You care about her rights only as far as it pertains to blowing you. Here"s one simple hypocrisy on your part that proves just how fucking narcissistic and self-centered you really are; You "care about her constitutional right to do with her body as she sees fit" when it comes to inserting your penis in her mouth, yet you have said multiple times in this thread that you support drug laws because "drugs are bad news". Shouldn"t you still be supporting her constitutional right to do with her body as she sees fit? Why the change Sam? Could it possibly be because the latter doesn"t benefit you? Could it possibly be because only the former has directly effected YOUR life? Would even give a flying fuck about this law if it hadn"t lead to you being arrested? My bet is on a fat fucking NO.

I will concede that this inconsistency could be simply because you are a fucking insane moron with multiple mental disorders but you"d have to admit it first.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Im not a meth dealer, she wasn"t a meth addict.
Anyone that has had to deal with anyone in their family or a close friend that has been or is addicted to the substance will see right through your lies. The way you present yourself, your history and the shit storms you leave as posts all point to one thing, A habitual meth user.
Sam DeathWalker said:
You know you contributed to a pattern of her behavior that resulted in teenage pregnancy and welfare,

"contributed to a pattern" LoL.

She didnt get pregnant from me; I prevented her from getting pregnant sooner.

Then every bar owner who serves someone a drink is liable for manslaughter when their patron hits somoene. And the bar owner who served him the month before also are liable because they contributed to his pattern of behavoir and his parents who gave him a drink 10 years ago, and the company that distributed the liguqe and the company that made the bottles that the ligure came in and the company that made the sand that made the glass that contained the alcohole he drank 10 years before.

Be real.
More caveman logic, drinking at the age of 21 isn"t illegal, driving of age isn"t illegal, operating a motor vehicle while over the legal blood alcohol limit is illegal. Another fallacy in your logic. These events are not mutually exclusive. You can drink at a bar then walk home. You can drink at a bar and then call a taxi, or you can have a friend who"s a designated driver.

Sexual contact with a minor always has the possibility of disease transmittal and pregnancy. You can argue that you didn"t have any diseases, or that she was barren, or you used a condom, or that she was on birth control, or that you pulled out of that shit really early, it doesn"t matter what your justification is because the law is the law, period. You broke it, you went to jail for it, your caveman arguments hold no water.

In the future, don"t quote me with a LOL when you misspelled liquor "liguqe" and "ligure" in the SAME FUCKING SENTENCE AGAIN. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. If you"re going to butcher the English language, at least be consistent.


SalaciousTunare said:
you misspelled liquor "liguqe" and "ligure" in the SAME FUCKING SENTENCE
This is just one of the clues that leads me to believe that he is indeed a huge meth head. Being so delusional is another.
Shouldn"t you still be supporting her constitutional right to do with her body as she sees fit? Why the change Sam? Could it possibly be because the latter doesn"t benefit you? Could it possibly be because only the former has directly effected YOUR life? Would even give a flying fuck about this law if it hadn"t lead to you being arrested? My bet is on a fat fucking NO.

Well you are right that is inconsistent. I didnt really want to get into that arguemtn but ....

Drug dependancy is a medical problem. If I ran the world I would just supply the drugs to those who are addicted to them free and just make concrete "hotels" where they can take them at no charge. That way the rest of society dosnt have to put up with crime and drug shootings and illegal profits and all that. Anytime they want to leave they can stop taking drugs and do so. Either they get tired of taking drugs or their bodies give out.

Not an optimal method, but way better then the current situation of incarceration and huge profits going to drup lords and crimes committed to support drug habbits.

There is really no good solution to the problem after someone takes drugs the first time thier brain is "rewired" and they are addicted.

DO people have a right to take drugs. Well if its their money and they are stupid enough to do so, it is the wrong decision but if people arnt free to make the wrong decision then they arn"t really free. I am agianst any law to legalize drugs but if the Courts found a constitutional right to basically kill yourself well I woulnd"t spend time arguing against it. I am in favor of sexual freedom because with me there is no downside. I am not in favor of drug freedom because I dont see anything except downsides.

I really dont want to get off on this drug issue. Im just not charged with anything to do with drugs and you are making this the main argument against me (well because all your other arguments have lost).

Again: I am in favor of sexual freedom because with me there is no downside. I am not in favor of drug freedom because I dont see anything except downsides.


Slotor said:
This is just one of the clues that leads me to believe that he is indeed a huge meth head. Being so delusional is another.
That would explain why 28 years ago he was accepted into Mensa and today he is a blithering idiot.
Sexual contact with a minor always has the
of disease transmittal and pregnancy.

Not with me, 410 partners and its never occured.

At any rate a law prohibiting impregnating a minor (or an adult if you are stupider then me) or passing a minor a STD is fine with me.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Sam DeathWalker said:
Again: I am in favor of sexual freedom becausewith methere is no downside. I am not in favor of drug freedom because I dont see anything except downsides.
Case closed. It"s all fucking about you Sam.


The answers are "38" and "6 years". What are the questions?

How many internets will I have when I pass you?


How many years longer you have been working on it?



Sam DeathWalker said:
Sexual contact with a minor always has the of disease transmittal and pregnancy.

Not with me, 410 partners and its never occured.

At any rate a law prohibiting impregnating a minor (or an adult if you are stupider then me) or passing a minor a STD is fine with me.
Cuz really... who could post this and not be high as fuck on meth.