Defiance Season 2


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It struck me as an advanced recon/prep ship and it did look completely different than the other arks, so perhaps it had a better drive system on it that allowed it to get there almost 3k years earlier than the others.

Plus we don't know how stagnant their tech development is. It is possible some things haven't changed much, if at all, in many many years. The Castithans certainly don't like change.


It struck me as an advanced recon/prep ship and it did look completely different than the other arks, so perhaps it had a better drive system on it that allowed it to get there almost 3k years earlier than the others.

Plus we don't know how stagnant their tech development is. It is possible some things haven't changed much, if at all, in many many years. The Castithans certainly don't like change.
As far as I could tell it was supposed to get there like 3k ahead to start terraform the planet so when the rest of everyone showed up it was ready to go and the terafforming stuff on the ships with the people was supposed to just be a backup. Possibly they sent more then one prep ship out to different worlds.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah the arks took ~ 5000 years to get to earth and they were expecting an uninhabited very nice colony world waiting for them. The Kaziiri apparently was their most advanced ship when they left and had a much better drive system so made the trip in only 2000 years. When they arrived they found the planet inhabited and proto-Irisa and others mutiny to stop the terraforming from killing humanity.

I keep thinking that at some point a second wave of Arkships will arrive that the Votans managed to build after the first wave left but prior to their sun going nova. Perhaps with the more advanced drive of the Kaziiri and thus able to have made the trip in 2000 years and thus be 3000 years more advanced / culturally different from the Votans already here.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Doubtful. I think the majority of the Ark fleet left 10k years ago and the sun was supposed to have gone Nova/died in their system long ago. It may have also been a question of resources, since they had to make a shitload of ships.


Doubtful. I think the majority of the Ark fleet left 10k years ago and the sun was supposed to have gone Nova/died in their system long ago. It may have also been a question of resources, since they had to make a shitload of ships.
Actually this actually makes more sense. Sorta like in enders game where the older ships go out first and the newer faster ships keep catching up. The first ships that go out are the older slower ships with the settlers on them. Then later as better tech comes about a faster ship is sent out which passes it to prep the planet.


Tranny Chaser
SyFy did indeed renew Defiance for another 13 episodes, along with Dominion.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Nice. Glad to see the game being schtako didn't doom a 3rd season of Defiance, especially after a solid 2nd season.


Molten Core Raider
SyFy did indeed renew Defiance for another 13 episodes, along with Dominion.
I honestly didn't think they were smart enough to do that. I was sure both were doomed. I'm glad I get to keep two of my guilty pleasure shows.