I hope they come to realize that we were, at one point, actually thinking of keeping everything "above board", mostly because we didn"t want to piledrive them into the ground. To be fair, they did do a good job and networked to other forums, though had the station not pulled the plug before most of us got home to actually roll up our sleeves and get to work, their advantage would have been short lived indeed.
At this point, I don"t give a damn whether we annihilate the contest into oblivion, or actually catapult Ashlee into a win.
Also, kudos to you James, for trolling the fuck out of them. And to Req, of course.
Also I know we have some people that are networked here and there throughout the U.S. It would be epic, and rather fitting, if someone can either pull some strings or persuade someone else to, so we could put together some sort of "consolation" for Tasha. At this point I"d be more impressed if someone could make some calls on Tasha"s behalf than I would be if we annihilated the contest at this point (and that"s saying a lot). It might be a farfetched idea, but I"m throwing it out there, on the chance that someone is in the position to toss a bone Tasha"s way. We don"t need to, but it would be a hell of a nice thing if we could do something for her.