Desktop Computers


<Prior Amod>
I was really talking about the behemoths like Dell / Alienware and the like. It's been ages since I screwed around on the Cyberpower website, but I always looked at them as a middle of the road company that is basically taking parts and putting it together for you. An assembler service, if you will. Last I checked, they do not have manufacturing like Dell churning out thousands of generic Dell-like OEM parts (PSUs, RAM, etc).
isn't that what'd you want? a boutique company just schelpping all the parts together that you want and all you have to do is turn it on and install steam? I'm sure we've all been burned one way or another by looking at a dell and seeing the proprietary dell psu and going, "well shit john, you're just gonna have to buy a new pc, maybe we can salvage the ram"


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
isn't that what'd you want? a boutique company just schelpping all the parts together that you want and all you have to do is turn it on and install steam? I'm sure we've all been burned one way or another by looking at a dell and seeing the proprietary dell psu and going, "well shit john, you're just gonna have to buy a new pc, maybe we can salvage the ram"
Yeah but you still have to deal with THE system builder's warranty service instead of the superior warranty coverage of the individual component OEMs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
New Chipshet info I shooped together from Wiki.

Old Z87 (Haswell launch) and Z97:

New Sunrise Point for Skylake (Z170):


Vyemm Raider
Just take the ram out of the old machine. If you have a 3770k that RAM will be fine, assuming it's not what's fucked.

All you need to do is swap out the CPU and motherboard if it really is as fucked as you say it is.

I'd flash the BIOS to whatever the current version is and reseat the RAM before doing anything.
Bios was flashed and still inaccessible - if i go into it then it locks up. I've never had this happen before. Another thins is my cpu has 1 core running at 3.7 and 3 at 3.9. I use AISuite to bring them back down to normal or level them off, but no clue how it got so weird in bios. I never went into Bios to OC, always did whatever using AISuite.

I already bought the z97 sabertooth, ive yet to buy the cpu b/c i heard[Meta] Amazon is about to have major sales in the next couple weeks. : buildapcsaleswas going down so i decided to wait a bit.

Not sure i want to wait till September. For gaming cpu advancements just really havent been so amazing to want the newest and prettiest cpu. Im only getting the 4790k because im getting a new motherboard and decided id replace mobo/cpu/ram just to avoid more troubleshooting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Bios was flashed and still inaccessible - if i go into it then it locks up. I've never had this happen before. Another thins is my cpu has 1 core running at 3.7 and 3 at 3.9. I use AISuite to bring them back down to normal or level them off, but no clue how it got so weird in bios. I never went into Bios to OC, always did whatever using AISuite...
I always OC through bios and don't like in-OS software because when testing or things get unstable, it tends to really fuck things up. Is there not a way to go into BIOS and hard reset to defaults? Also, you need functional CPU and RAM to boot and dig around in BIOS. CPUs are fairly bulletproof, but RAM is a pretty common failure in PCs (especially if you have been using AI Suite OCing). Have you tried going down to 1 stick at a time and see if you can get some stable use out of it?


Vyemm Raider
If he pulled the CMOS battery for at least 15-30 seconds then custom BIOS settings should be wiped

Did the mentioned method here to clear CMOS - however still cannot get into the bios - To access the ram id need to remove my cpu cooler (DH-14) and thats really not what i feel like doing unless im replacing shit. So id rather just buy new shit at this point, i will test other shit after and if its still good i will give it away.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm honestly surprised AMD has stayed in the PC CPU market for so long, their stuff has been basically shit for such a long time. When the higher-tiers of your processors are shittier than Intels lower tier i3's, there is a problem.

We won't even touch AMD at work


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm honestly surprised AMD has stayed in the PC CPU market for so long, their stuff has been basically shit for such a long time. When the higher-tiers of your processors are shittier than Intels lower tier i3's, there is a problem.

We won't even touch AMD at work
They have their niche, but yea I think the FX60 was the last AMD chip that had better gaming performance than an Intel chip. That was what.. 10 years ago?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
2006 was the year Intel released the Core 2 Duo, which is where they left AMD in the dust. Nothing has been close since.

But yea, Noodle's point stands. 10 years since producing anything to rival Intel's chips. It's a shame though. With all monopolies, we as consumers suffer for it with slower development.


A Mod Real Quick
Core 2 series were so good, at that time iirc didn't Intel go multicore and amd tried to go single core high frequency?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To be fair, that was what Intel were doing up until that point.

This is also the supposed reasoning Everquest 2 ran like shit. They were trying to build an engine with longevity and up to then, it was ever increasing clock cycles. Intel decided to go with parallel processing and multi cores. Because of power and thermal restrictions, processor frequencies flat out came to a stand still. SoE were banking on the fact they would just continue to push past 4GHz and upwards. Oops!


<Prior Amod>
before the core2 got introduced, Intel was fucking around w/ dangerous clockspeeds and heat, pushing their Pentium D's to over 3g's just to keep up with the Athlon x2 and Athlon 64 x2's. The early 2000's was a great race to see AMD and Intel, but once Core2 got out (it was originally a pentium-M really cuz of the lowered heat for laptops), Fuck it AMD just spent years trying to play catch up by releasing easy to aquire unlocked (black) processors first, futzing around w/ disabled quadcore to x2's (which really bumped up AMD since everyone got cheap x4's by simply enabling it in MB settings).

But fuck it, core2 was just too good. I mean, i still go by which ever one is best/value/speed when i need to upgrade and it was the 8core black w/ MB for 200bucks that won, but really a superclocked Q6600 could give a fx8150 a run for it's money.


Golden Squire
I've been using my 2500k for over 5 years now at ~4.2Ghz, and even the Skylake shit doesn't make me feel the need to upgrade. Might not bother until PCIe SSD's become commonplace and I need more lanes. It's just sad that AMD hasn't really done fuck all in that time.


The Big Mod

If they can't make the fury competitive via driver updates, then they are down for the count in the consumer market. In the future all they'll be producing is OEM devices.


Have a couple k to slang and looking to build a solid gaming rig. Haven't upgraded for years so out of the loop on what's good. Anyone care to make some recommendations ?