I’m about to smash my TV with a hammer.
I have a 3070 gfx card. One display port going to a side monitor, one HDMI going to a TV as the main monitor. This morning for some reason my TV wasn’t getting a signal. Open display settings, it shows my displays reversed. I hit use one monitor, then go back to extend. Doesn’t work, TV isn’t getting a signal. I can go to nvidia control panel and it still sees it there. Check the box to enable it, doesn’t work.
So I go through all kinds of shit, unplugging, rebooting, etc. the only thing I can get it to repeat is the first time I turn it the pc on it will duplicate the image on both monitors. If I try to extend it, the tv loses signal, I say keep settings and it just goes back to duplicate, but without TV getting signal. If I revert, same thing. Doesn’t come back unless I switch the hdmi to a different port or reboot PC. Doesn’t matter which hdmi port on the tv I use, same behavior. Nvidia control panel doesn’t work whether it has a signal or not.
What in the fuck?