FoH nuclear response team
- 12,467
- 12,334
hekotat, could you edit the OP? Remove the leveling crap I had written, most of it isn't really true I think.
Level however you want, don't decode the freebie exotic engram Xavala gives you at the end of the campaign until you are light 260+, and don't turn in or accept the power/luminous/clan engram quests until you are light 260+ which you can grind out from public events and lost sectors after you hit 20. Don't roll alts of the same class, it will cock block your light progress.
There is a second FOH clan, all PC users can join it until bungie increases the clan sizes
Fires Of Heaven II Clan | Bungie.net
Some pages about the raid I have bookmarked and find extremely useful:
Full raid guide, can watch once and know how all the raid parts work
Detailed Pleasure Gardens (war dogs) map, I always keep it up when I am doing this part of the raid
[spoiler] Yet, yet another detailed Pleasure Gardens map • r/DestinyTheGame
For those who go into the shadow realm at Calus, a little map to show how you should avoid getting blown off
[Spoiler] A Map for the Calus Shadow Realm safe paths • r/DestinyTheGame
Some general DPS tips on Calus
Just some tips for DPS'ing Calus (indepth) • r/DestinyTheGame
Detailed 3D map of the Leviathan Sewers with chests and link points:
Guides on how to loot all 9 Sewer chests, solo, from the beginning
Detailed Walkthrough On How To Successfully Loot All 9 Leviathan Raid Secret Chests SOLO (From Beginning Of Raid) • r/DestinyTheGame
Emperor Calus mega lore threads, 4 parts about his backstory
Emperor Calus Lore thread • r/DestinyTheGame
Also, you can boot me from the clan to clear up space. If I pick it up on PC I'll get back in.