So yeah, played this for a little over a week now. Couple of things I noticed...
The leveling thing is still shit. I dont really mind that they slow shit down past 345, etc... But most of the good content is pretty much locked behind 250-270+ So for a returning player like me it will take a few weeks of doing weekly shit to level up to that point, if not longer. I dont mind the grind, shit I love to grind in games like this, but there is a ceiling to it all every week that you just cannot get around. I think I got all 3 characters to high 340s this first week. Maybe 250 the next? All weekly shit can be completed in a few hours per character, and after that point there is really no reason to play anymore for the week, this was a big problem I had during vanilla and still seems to be a big problem now after 2 expansions and a year of fixing this game. Im basically stuck doing those weekly tasks to get to 370+ to raid. (Which I dont raid anyway so moot point, but still you see the dilema for a person trying to get back into this game.
Second, I like how they added the extra thing on weapons and armor, but overall thank god they are adding back random loot, because even after one week back im already bored of the sameness of this loot. Makes all activities a drag to do when you know what you will get is just another thing you already gotten 50 times. (barring the new expansion weapons, which just seem like copy pasta of the already old and boring vanilla weapons but now with new perk, which is probably shit anyway.
Crucible is definitely more fun with 6 v 6 now. Definitely a good change. But still a bad sign that after 2 expansions and over a year later, 85% of the people in crucible still using same guns that they were using in vanilla. Same purples, same exotics. With the addition of the gravitron lance and a few new purples that I have never heard of, but yeah most people still using better devils, that one handcannon with kill clip, vigilance wing is still OP as fuck, Antilope D has still good showing. I guess one good thing is youre not seeing 90% of the people using the mida and and that one 450 rpm energy AR everyone was using back in the day. But they just got replaced with the new 540 rpm pulses it seems. (This is on PC, so I guess console could be different)
I like the addition of the daily mods on heroic strikes makes them more fun but still no strike specific loot.. But still, aside doing the 3 weekly strikes, I really dont see any reason to do anymore than that. I guess they added new ornaments to grind for and shti like that, but being a person that does not give a shit about that type of stuff, this is non content for me. Not even a change int he core Vanguard weapons with new perks or anything to grind for. Like they used to rotate the weapons in D1 and bring in new standard locked perk stuff every expansion. Mad it worthwhile to grind some of those out. Its sad that I still get the same old vanguard shti from vanilla like Nameless Midnight, exactly the same shit like vanilla. Yes im aware they added a few new ones to the mix, but they should ALL be fresh every expansion IMO.
Shit, even most of the new warmind expansion is pretty much locked out for me because im not 370 yet. So cant do any of the stuff they have there, even the PEs which all seem to be 370+ and I get destroyed in seconds when I try.
Lets hope this Sept 4 expansion is going to fundamentally change the game with random rolls like I think it will. Because right now aside the good shti they added like the new strikes, new crucible arenas and such, this game is pretty much in the same place it was a year ago.