You know some people buy shit in bundles. I got the pass as part of forsaken package deal.
The point being they fucked up, they admitted as such, and now they are fixing it. Youre only a part of the way through this shit. The grind was having the lower tier of powerful engrams only drop +2, (strikes, etc) and only the raid and forgotten city stuff be the +6. Youre only a part way there, bud. Just thank the Destiny overlords for making that grind easier for you now. Because the 550-600 grind was real. Especially if you didnt raid.
We dont want shit to be easier. The bitching was about releasing new content that you had to grind the old content for a few weeks to even see. Also my beef with this add on was not even that, because I dont give a shit about that, but I do give a shit that aside the 5-6 new weapons they add in this expansion which are forge specific, they didnt refresh any of the other loot that weve all been grinding since Sept. No new meta updates for crucible, no new armor, no new strikes, no new crucible maps, none of that good shit. Forsaken loot pool is pretty shallow man.