the flaw I have with the "bungie guys are the heroes, activision are the baddies that FORCED them to do X..." is that they knew what a shit show they had in with D1, especially with in terms of how fast they could make content and how long it took and how it was received. THEY DIDN'T FIX ANY OF IT IN DESTINY 2 AND MADE IT WORSE. Sure, Forsaken may have rolled back stuff to a d1 level but how is that smart or good? Sure, Activision may have been constantly pushing them for more microTX and shit but nowadays you hear every single D2 article start with "... and Destiny 2 content takes a long time to create due to flaws with production tools, which they hopefully will fix with Destiny 3".
motherfuckers, you had that problem with D1 and you still have it with D2? WTF? That tells me you have incredibly bad top level designers/producers.
I would love a Destiny that is a f2p single game that encompasses EVERYTHING Destiny - D1, D2, etc and they make a promise that they won't roll out new "platforms". Once you start a character on it, it'll stick around for the next 10 years ala WoW/Everquest/GTA Online/Fortnite/etc. Then layer in battle passes, cosmetics, etc ala GTA/Fortnite. Now release events every now and then everyone can participate in so people have a reason to keep playing. And of course an amazing PVP system which has small map multiplayer FPS, 100 man battle royale, whatever else. Finally layer in single player story content, release a new chunk every year for which you charge $20 (or w/e) that is for the hardcore PVE fans. The entire game should have levels so people can "progress", but encounters should be open to everyone and be reasonably easy so you don't need to be fucking Lebron James to finish a raid.
Thats what I kept hoping Destiny would turn into, a f2p MMOlite FPS along the lines of GTA Online or FF14 but instead it doubled down hard on splitting its players up and making it super easy to go "well... i can't keep up with these people, fuck this game". Note: i'm not saying make everything carebear, I'm totally fine with some (ultra heroic) content being for the 1%, but when like 80% of your content is inaccessible as a solo player... fuck your game.