I'd probably die of shock if that ever happened to me. You're talking to someone who got 2 exalted orb drops total in the current PoE league while a friend of mine--both of us farming the same shit--is averaging 2-3 a day. If it's possible to not get an outlaw/feeding frenzy + rampage gun in 100+ rolls, I just assume that's what it'll take. Anyway, Austringer wasn't a great example since I dislike HCs and it's not just because of console bloom. I just don't like them. Strangely, I've had great success with one particular sidearm though (Smuggler's Word). Not sure what makes it so good but it seems to kill shit much faster than almost everything else I have. Mine doesn't even have Rampage either, just Outlaw.
Well maybe if your luck sucks, I can see your point, but this shit still takes some grinding.
Yeah, I am definitely a bit concerned about burning out due to how long it's likely to take to complete the two pinnacles without being able to cheese them. I'd suck it up and drag out my headset if I thought I might get it done by looking on r/fireteams or whatever, but I haven't looked into that yet.
The wendigo is kind of a meh weapon though. It CAN be really awesome if you have orbs lying around, but often times you dont so its kind of a meh weapon if you dont. I would opt for any nade launcher with spike nades. I saw somewhere (I think somethingawful) where they did a DPS breakdown and swarm of the raven beat out wendigo. Shit even the edge transit can roll with spike nades. And I still love the sleeper simulant too. That shit is up there DPS wise too and its a quest to get.
Sleeper Simulant is exotic though, and I think that's best used for Huckleberry or Outbreak Perfected, once I get the quest done to the point where I can look for someone to clear the mission for me.
As far as orbs go, I would think there'd be a ton laying around with all 3 weapons being MW and excelling at getting multikills?
The loaded question is a beast though. I especially love to use this on my hunter (dodge reload) and warlock with transversive steps on. You can clear out a set of blockers in gambit, for example, with one resirvoir burst shot if they are bunched up. And I would still grind out the breakneck because on console its probably still top tier weapon since its AR.
First thing I'm doing this week is getting my warlock to 50 and through the Forsaken questline. Really wish I'd done warlock first to begin with. I tried switching my hunter to Orpheus Rig instead of the arc build I normally use, didn't help though. I hate missing a super shot, which happens way too often on console. And neither top tree nor bottom tree (minus the last perk no one takes, still) felt very strong in the stuff I do anyway. It also annoys me that hunter can't cheese two chests in Last Wish, while both warlock and titan can.
And I would still open up all the forges and grind some of those weapons for sure. once you do a powerful frame for the week, you can just keep grinding that same frame over and over and that pulse, like you mentioned is a beast. I never scored a god roll but I got a quickdraw and rampage and a zen moment and kill clip which are both nice. GooI willd enough to wreck shit with. Jotun is really fun as well, I use it all the time in gambit it even wrecks invaders if they peak for too long. And that is a random drop from the last forge.
Yep, I'm trying to. Unlocking the forges is a really shitty slog now though. I thought the heroic on Tangled Shore was bad because of asshole players, but it's got nothing on trying to complete the heroic one on Nessus. Can't solo it because you've got no angle to shoot the vex going towards the middle while you're turning it heroic, and there's literally no one else there on ps4 ever. I don't have much hope of getting a really great Blast Furnace, but I will do it at least enough to get Jotunn. If that drops before the RNG stuff though... meh.